Sunday, May 24, 2015

Awareness Article #41    Copyright © 2013 Sri Vasantha Sai Books & Publications Trust
Thorn Crown become Thorn Bed
Today, Swami gave a picture of Mother Mary. 
There her heart is seen, red in colour. It is surrounded by a circle of thorns; atop the
heart flames. Above this the form of the Stupi emerging, around her neck a chain with a
pendant on. Around her head a halo of twelve, eight petal flowers. Then written in red,
seventeen lines in another language, Eddy said it was Latin.                                                                                       


Sancta Maria, ora pro nobis Holy Mary, pray for us
Mater divinae gratiae, ora pro nobis Mother of divine grace, pray for us
Mater purissima, ora pro nobis Mother most pure, pray for us
Sancta Maria, ora pro nobis Holy Mary, pray for us
Mater castissima, ora pro nobis Mother most chaste, pray for us
Mater inviolate, ora pro nobis Mother inviolate, pray for us
Mater intemerata, ora pro nobis Mother undefiled, pray for us
Mater amabilis, ora pro nobis Mother most amiable, pray for us
Mater admirabilis, ora pro nobis Mother most admirable, pray for us
Mater boni consilii, ora pro nobis Mother of good counsel, pray for us
Speculum justitiae, ora pro nobis Mirror of justice, pray for us
Sedes sapientiae, ora pro nobis Seat of wisdom, pray for us
Causa nostrae laetitiae, ora pro nobis Cause of our joy, pray for us
Vas spirituale, ora pro nobis Spiritual vessel, pray for us
Vas honorabile, ora pro nobis Vessel of honour, pray for us
Salus infirmorum, ora pro nobis Health of the sick, pray for us
Refugium peccatorum, ora pro nobis Refuge of sinners, pray for us

We looked on the internet and got the English translation. I could not understand
what it was. I asked Swami.
3 June 2013 Noon meditation 
Vasantha :  Swami, what is this about Mother Mary?
Swami :  You are the Mother. Compare yourself with Mary and write.
Vasantha :  How shall I write?
Swami :  Before you compared yourself with Saint Catherine, now you write in the
same way.
Vasantha :  Swami, what are the seventeen names of Mary? You gave 89 names for
my body before? 
Swami :  When you write all will become clear.
Vasantha :  Okay Swami, I will write.
End of Meditat

Now let us see about this. When Amar searched on the internet, the prayer was
more than six hundred lines. Here we have only given the translation for the lines
Swami indicated. Swami only selected these seventeen names out of the 600 and asked
to compare them to myself. Some time ago Swami gave 89 names for my body. Now let
us see the first prayer;-

Holy Mary, pray for us
Mary is Holy. It is only due to this holiness she can become the Mother of God. In
the same way, Swami selected me for His Avataric task. This Avataric task is very
important. It is has never happened before. I have come here as His instrument for this
task. A few years ago, Swami said my room must be kept Holy; no one should enter.
Only my feelings should go to the Stupi. No one should touch my cot or come inside the
room.  Swami wrote the word Holy on the cot and door as confirmation of this. As my
body is Holy, the room I stay in, and the cot I lie on, must not be touched by anyone.
This is what Swami said at the time. I also pray for all in the world.  Before, many
thousands of people phoned and wrote letters asking about their problems and diseases.
I prayed for all. After the Stupi came, I have not prayed for anyone. They themselves
pray to the Stupi and do pradakshina. 

Mother of divine grace, pray for us
It is Swamis divine grace alone that is born as my form. God does not have form;
yet when He descends as Avatar He takes one. Sathya Sai descended as Avatar and
brought His grace here as my form. Due to His immeasurable compassion, when He
sees mankind slip from the path, He takes Advent. Swami separated His grace from
Himself and brought it here in my form. Thus, through my prayers He corrects all. I
pray for all the world and have asked Him to grant liberation to all. If it is difficult for a
individual to attain Mukthi in Kali Yuga, how is world liberation possible? Swami came
here to give liberation to all; all is His grace. He Himself separated His grace from
Himself and made her pray to Him for the sake of the worlds people. The world
becomes immersed in His showers of nectarine grace and fully enjoy. This is Sathya

Mother most pure, pray for us
What is the purity of this mother? Whatever thoughts come to her mind are pure,
whatever words she speaks are pure. Each action is pure. Is this possible in human life?
I have no thoughts other than those of Swami. I only speak about Swami.  Whatever I
do, is all only for Him. It is very difficult to both explain and understand this, my state.
My mind, intellect, senses, ego, consciousness all merged with Swami in Vashista cave.
To prove this, when half of Swamis picture turned pink, He said, “This is proof of our


merger.” Now only my physical body remains. I will make this physical body pure and
transform it into light and merge in Swamis body. This is 5 proof for my purity.

Holy Mary, pray for us.
Through this holiness, I can make the earth into Vaikuntha. How can I make the
Kali Yuga earth into Vaikuntha? No one has made the world Vaikuntha in the Kritha
Yuga, Tretha Yuga or Dwapara Yuga. How then can I do this with Kali? This is the only
reason God came here. I am born from Swami. Swami and I make the earth as heaven
through our holiness. Kali Yuga is filled with dirt.  The pollution from mans mind has
fouled the earth. Swami and I make all holy. If any one dies in a house, priests come and
purify all according to the scriptures after twelve days. The priests chant mantras and
finish all rituals by the twelfth day. During the twelve days, they perform special poojas
and then sprinkle the holy water from the Kalasa over the house to purify all. In the
same way, I purify this Kali Yuga house through my tears. The dirt of Samskaras, which
have been collected age to age are washed and made holy through my tears.

Mother most chaste, pray for us
It is my chastity alone that changes the Kali Yuga into the Sathya Yuga.  To be
chaste, means that a wife shows love only to the husband. In this country, there have
been many Queens of chastity. Savithri argued with Lord Yama, and brought back her
dead husband to life. Thus, all call Savithri the queen of Chastity. I bring back the Avatar
who left His body. This chastity is not ordinary. It is a chastity, where I do not forget
Swami even for one second. Bhagavan Krishna has declared in the Gita
„Mamavamso Jeevaloka Jeevabhoota Sanathana’.
Though all are born from God as His aspects, they have forgotten this. The people
of Kali have killed Gods aspect in them and live like animals. I bring back to life, the
God aspect of all, which has died. I do not bring back aspects of Sai; I bring back the full
form of Sai. All become Sathya Sai. This is the power of my chastity. I do not want to see
or talk to any, other than Swami. I perform penance so that no one can see me. The fruit
of this is a Sathya Yuga comes, where only we two will live. This chastity cannot be
explained in half a page of writing. If one wants to understand, they must deeply
contemplate and analyze the writing in all my books. As her husband was unjustly
killed, Kannagi burned Madurai to the ground. This was the extent of her chastity. My
chastity burns the Karmas and Kaama of all. It burns Kali and brings a new Sathya Yuga.
Chastity is not only showing love to husband, but not to like anything other than ones
husband. I do not want anything in this world other than Swami. 



Mother inviolate, pray for us
This is what Swami has said as to „never hurt others. Let us see how this is in my
life. I have practiced not hurting others from my childhood. I learned the good qualities
and lessons from all people and each thing. Thus, I have asked Swami to grant liberation
to all in gratitude, as my Guru Dakshina. I never say or do anything to hurt others. This
quality comes through me being humble to all. How does humility come? It comes
through the „I without I state. It is only if one has „I, anger arises in us toward others;
through anger sadness comes. I have no time to think about others, so how can I hurt
them. It is only Swami 24 hours a day.

Mother undefiled, pray for us
What is blemish or dirt? Does it mean outer dirt? This can be removed with soap
and water. It is the inner dirt which must be must removed from the five senses and
made pure. Do not speak bad words, see only good, hear only what is good. This is what
Swami tells as „See good, do good, be good. The mind must always be pure. Wrong
thoughts should not come to it; we must purify the mind and clean the dirt, which has
accumulated birth after birth. I am also removing the inner dirt from the body. That is
the sweat, phlegm etc. I remove all the dirt from the body through my penance. My body
must be offered to God. This is my goal. 
Mother most amiable, pray for us
What is friendship? Friendship is the highest of all relationships. There are no
secrets between friends; they can talk to each other with a free heart. A man tells his
friend what he cannot tell his wife. 
There is nothing hidden in me; my life is an open book. I never hide anything
from anyone. I have no necessity to hide anything. I have written more than 120 books
about my life. Swami has now asked that I write e books also, which are read by people
the world over. Here, I pour my feelings which arise through the suffering in my heart. I
write thinking that all those who read these words are my friends.  All my feelings pour
to God. I am crying, laughing, lamenting and yearning, I pour these feelings in the
words I write, for all to read. My nature is not to hide anything.

Mother most admirable, pray for us
My life is strange. The world has never known anything like this; it has never
happened in any of the previous ages. I was born in this age of Kali and am suffering
here trying to live. I suffer as I have never been born on this earth before. I do not know
how to live with human beings. I do not know how to behave with them. I want only
God. I cry that I do not want this world. I have no feelings of hunger. I have cried from a
young age about going to the bathroom. It was my grandmother alone who taught


that it is natural for waste matters to come out from the body. Yet, all in the world take it
casually. Seeing this body I hate it. When we see waste matter, it fills us with disgust, we
think it is nasty. Yet, they are inside the body. There is only one way and that is not to
eat. Thinking in this way, I stopped eating all food for a year. I would only drink one
tumbler of milk in the morning and evening.  At that time, we were constructing the
Viswa Brahma Garbha Kottam. Though I did not eat, I still went to the bathroom once a
week! I cried thinking how am I still going to bathroom without eating? All consoled me. 
After the Garbha Kottam opening ceremony, Swami made me start to eat again. First He
said to eat a spoonful of milk rice, then two spoons of curd rice. Now also I cannot eat
more than four teaspoons of rice! Why am I different from all in this world? As I am
afraid of the world, Swami asked me to stay in the Ashram. Here there is no connection
to the world.  Thus, my life is a great wonder.

Mother of good counsel, pray for us
My work is to write the advice that Swami gives to me for others. As a child I read
Gita and Ramayana and lived my life according to the advice contained therein.
Gandhijis book, „Experiments with truth and the Bhagavad Gita were my two eyes. 
They showed the path for me to walk on. I walked that path. I demonstrated the 18
Yogas of the Gita in my life. I practiced all the counsel and advice Swami has given.
Thus, I am walking mobile advice for Swami. I tried to attain truth from my young age. I
attained Bhagavan Sathya Sai, who embodies the Total truth. I am now writing the
highest wisdom, which He reveals to me. Yet, I do not know anything. It is He who asks
me to write and I write. It is He who writes from within me. This is because I am the
empty vessel. Here, God fills His compassion within.

Mirror of justice, pray for us
Yes, I am the mirror of justice. I am unable to bear seeing injustice in front of my
eyes. As a young child my paternal uncle and maternal uncle were separated from their
families and lived in our house. Their names were Srinivasan and Thiruvengadam. Their
wives were called Alamelamangai and Sengamalam. Both couples were named after the
Lord of Tirupathi and His consort. I thought,
… The Lord of Tirupathi is separated from His devi and lives alone at the top of
the seven hills. Thus, my relatives are also separate..
These were my thoughts. Would any one look for the reason why a husband and
wife separate in any house? Yet, I contemplated and found out the reason. Thus, I
became angry with the Lord of Tirupathi and strong dispassion arose in me. 
… I will unite the Mooladhara Shakhti in all with the Lord who resides atop the
seven hills. 
I have performed penance for this only. My Kundalini came outside as the Stupi.
My feelings go out through the Stupi and unite the Mooladhara Shakthi in all wi


Shiva. Shiva sits atop the seventh chakra in separation from Shakthi. Thus, all are
immersed in worldly life and suffer. In New creation Shiva comes together with the
jeeva and all live in bliss as Jeevan Mukthas. 
Now Avatars. 
Why did Lord Rama send pregnant mother Sita to the forest? It is this question
that I would ask over and over as a child. If it is Raja Nidhi, Royal justice, how could
Rama send pregnant Sita to the forest? Is this a Kings Justice?
There was once a king called Mano Nidhi Chola, who placed a bell in front of his
palace. If anyone had any grievance they could ring the bell. One day a cow came and
rang the bell. The Kings ministers came and saw the cow and followed it. He saw its calf
lying dead in the road. They then asked some who were there what happened. The
people said that the kings son had come along the road in his chariot and knocked the
calf down killing it. The Minister reported all to the King. The King told them to bring
his son and make him lie in the road and then drive his chariot over him. But the
Minister refused to do so. The King then said that he himself would drive the chariot
over his son, and made the boy lie on the ground. Just as the king was about to drive the
chariot over the prince, Gods voice was heard, praising the king for being a great man of
justice. God then brought the calf back to life and the boy got up. Here it was the son of
the King who had committed a mistake, yet Mother Sita did not do anything wrong. She
already proved her purity and chastity by entering the fire in Lanka. Why should she be
punished? It was due to the words of the ignorant dhobi. Is this Raja Nidhi, a kings
Justice? It is for this reason, I cried from my young age. I also argued with Swami. 
Swami then said when He comes in Prema Sai He will marry me. Yet, as I was
afraid I placed some conditions on Swami. I said that He must not separate from me,
half way as Mother Sita was separated from Rama. He must accept me. I then said that I
do not want a child. He said a child would be born. Again, I placed a condition that if a
child were to be born, only He should be with me during the pregnancy, seeing the
childs delivery.  I placed this condition as I was afraid I too would be sent to the forest
when pregnant, like Mother Sita. Thus, Swami said He alone will see the delivery of the
child. It is in this way, all injustice ends when Swami comes as Prema Sai Avatar. Swami
comes as Prema Sai, to make amends for all injustice. I have written of this in the Prema
Sai books. 

Seat of wisdom, pray for us
My life is only wisdom. Wisdom is the throne of justice. The presiding deity of
justice must be seated on the throne of wisdom. It is wisdom only that is the basis for
attaining God. As Kali Yuga is in ignorance, there is injustice, unrighteousness,
dishonour, untruth, no wisdom and always suffering and worry. The whole of life is a
struggle. There is no happiness. Wisdom is the reason for justice. As this Kali age is the
very worse, Swami came here and preached wisdom. Why this birth? Is it only to be
born and die? No, no!  We must conquer birth through wisdom. Here, the Stupi came a


my Kundalini; atop of this the Sahasrara. This is the fire of wisdom, Jnana Agni. It
removes the darkness of ignorance, and bestows the light of wisdom on all. It is through
this wisdom, I argued with Swami that the Avatars were also unjust, not showing justice
to their family. Before Swami gave me a poem:-
You are always roaming 
Asking justice from all
In this world court, 
You make the Avatar 
Stand in the witness box
And argue like a lawyer
This is true. Why did Rama send pregnant Sita to the forest? Why did He not see
His sons Lava and Kusa? The children did not know who their Father was for twelve
years. Again, Swami writes in the poem,
You yourself pronounce judgment
You make Adi Moolam, the Primal Soul come as Avatar
„Adi Moolam, the Primal Soul, now comes here as Avatar. At that time, I did not
know that Swami would leave His body. Yet, God knew! Swami now comes as the Primal
Soul, in a new body. He is not the Witness state God, but comes as Adi Moolam. It is
through my tears and heartfelt cries that He now comes anew. All happens through
wisdom. Wisdom is the seat of justice.

Cause of our joy, pray for us
Swami is the reason for joy in the world. I asked Him to bestow world liberation.
Here, all will live happily as Jeevan Mukthas. They will enjoy the happiness of God
realization. Those who are kings or in high posts, will be like King Janaka and lived as
Raja Yogis. They will be free from attachment. Ordinary families will live happily in
thoughts of God, with no attachment like the Bhaktha Vijayam devotees.  Students will
study like the Guru Kula scholars of old. All teachers will be like Gurus and have full
enthusiasm, full interest. In this way, those in every field of society will live happily. The
reason for all is the Viswa Brahma Garbha Kottam and Stupi. Swamis and my feelings
go out to the world through these, entering all changing them. Everyone will live for God
alone, with detachment.



Spiritual vessel, pray for us
I have fully emptied myself, thus this vessel is filled with spirituality. I have no
worldly life; from birth all is only God.  As I am born from God, my life is like this,
different from others. All of you are born from God, but do not know. I came here to
show this to all. Lava and Kusa did not know who their Father was, and lived away from
Him for twelve years. When Rama was performing Aswamedha Yagna, the two boys,
tied the horse up and defeated all who came. Finally Rama entered the battle, the two
began to quarrel with Him. Mother Sita then came and showed them Rama and said,
„This is your Father. Until that time, they did not know who their Father was. In the
same way, you do not know who your Father is and do battle with Him. I have come
here to show you all that your Father is Bhagavan Sathya Sai. The goal of all is to attain
Him. He is the Antarayami, Indweller in your heart. He is there in the state of witness.
Awake from worldly Maya and turn towards the spiritual path. Practice what He has
preached and perform Sadhana. Do your duty without attachment and offer all to Him.
He now comes to the Bhoktha state and will enjoy you; this is His fruit. You have not
looked to Him for all these days, and have made Him hungry. As you have not taken
care of Him, looked to Him, you have no happiness. This is spirituality. Do not be
involved in any worldly matters. Be in a family, but do all duty without attachment. This
is happiness, this is spirituality. Spirituality does not mean to renounce all and go to the
forest. Living in a family in thoughts of God, free from attachment, is real spirituality.  If
you live in this way, then suffering and sorrow will not come near you.

Vessel of honour, pray for us
What is honour? Is it to be in a high post? To perform great tasks? What is
„honourable? Is it to become very learned or have riches? All these things are
perishable. We do not take anything with us when we leave this world. The only thing we
take with us are Sathya and Dharma. Worldly honour and respect disappear after time.
It is only the names of those who reach a high state in spirituality who remains in the
hearts of people for a sometime.  Their philosophies and what they have preached is
never forgotten, regardless of what country they are from.  It remains in the minds of
man for a long time. In the same way, those who are connected to the Avatars remain in
the minds of man for a long time. 
Mother Mary gave birth to Jesus. Even though I am Swamis Shakthi, I do not
want respect or honour. I only want to be the dust of His feet. Swami may have given me
many names, but I said I did not want them. I want only to be the dust of His feet;
hiding myself under them. Swami gave me Arti song and Jhula song, all. When we sing
the Jhula song, we place the picture of Swami, which I always keep with me on the swing
and sing. Yesterday, Swami placed a small flower on His picture next to Him. All of us
saw it. The flower was small, pink and beautifully formed. It had a yellow base, from
which the pink flower blossomed. The flower was next to Swamis thigh and had a very
light fragrance. When I asked Swami about this, He said


Swami :  It is a celestial flower, which shows You are sitting near Me. You alone
have the right to be next to Me. You are My sweet life force flower. 
Even if I have the right to sit next to Him on the Jhula, I want only to be the dust
of His feet and hide myself.  In the Jhula song it tells,
Shyma Sanga Dole Maharani Radhika 
Sai Sanga Dole Maharani Vasantha 
Krishna swings with Maharani Radhika, Sai swings with Maharani Vasantha
Yet, I do not want to sit next to Swami on the swing as a Maharani. I want to be
the dust of His feet, seen by no one. Thus, Swami kept this small rose coloured flower
next to Him on the swing. The flower remained as it was, not wilting or losing colour for
two days. I am not the vessel of honour; I am only the dust of Swamis feet. He may tell
that I am His life force, but I want only to be the dust of His feet. I want to hide under
His feet, so none can see me. Thus, the flower was very small, and next to His thigh.  

Health of the sick, pray for us
I gave Danvanthri Shakthi for the diseases and illnesses of many people. Many
sick were cured through this Shakthi. The diseases, which could not be cured by doctors,
were cured. I wrote about this in the book, „Prema Nivarana Sai. It was through my
prayers and Danvanthri Shakthi that all were cured. Yet, one disease is cured and
another one comes. This is not the permanent solution. The only solution is to remove
the disease of birth. If this disease is cured, then man merges with God. As soon as one
is born, diseases come. Thus, I asked for liberation for all to cure the disease of birth.
This is given by this God alone; only He can grant it. It can happen and is possible only
in this period of Sai. Yet, without ending the Karmas of all, world liberation is not
possible. Swami and I took the sins of the world on ourselves and suffered. How great
are the sins of 570 crores of people! It is for this that Swami and I have been suffering
from 2003. Swami showed, little by little His health decreasing. First He was unable to
walk properly, two boys stood either side of Him, supporting Him under the arm and
helping Him to walk. Swami then stopped walking and gave darshan in a chair. He then
was not able to talk properly. Finally He was admitted in hospital; many doctors tried to
help Him in many ways, but in the end He left His body. It is through my tears and
wailing that He now comes again. 
I have been afraid of old age, disease and death since childhood. I performed
penance that these three not come to me. But, in front of my eyes, I saw old age, disease
and death come to the Avatar. I wailed and cried that, „No no, I do not want this! Only
then Swami asked me to see the Nadi. It is there all the Siddhas and Rishis declare that
Swami will return. I became a little calm. Yet, until He comes, my tears and wailing will
not stop. I must prove that the Avatar has no disease, old age and death. I also do not
have these three. I am born from Swami as a light; my body must become a jyothi again
and merge with Hi


Refuge of sinners, pray for us
Swami came here to protect the sinners. He carried the sins of all in His own
body. Like Jesus, He came to protect those who have sinned. Swami took all on His body
and left the world. Swami brought me here. I came to the world to remove the karmas of
all and give Mukthi. My penance and tears melted Swamis heart and He agreed to
bestow Universal Mukthi. Yet, the Karmic law, which He Himself has lain down, cannot
be broken. Man must experience the Karmas that come from his previous births; only
then Mukthi comes to him.  So, Swami and I took the Karmas of 570 crores of people on
our body and suffered. When Swami comes anew, all finishes and New Sathya Yuga is
born. All will gain freedom; the burden of Karmas removed. This is New Creation. The
Karmas and sins of all finish; Swami and I enter, and everyone becomes a new human
being. All ends here with this prayer Swami has given.
Jesus wore a crown of thorns, which is seen around the heart of Mother Mary.
This crown of thorns is now fully in Swamis and my body. Like a bed of arrows, we now
lie upon a bed of thorns made from the sins of the world. Marys picture shows the
heart, which represents the Garbha Kottam. The flames emerging from her heart
indicate the Stupi. It is through the 12, eight petal flowers, the Sahasrara, that Swami
and I burn world Karma and the New Age is born. It is the vibrations that emerge from
these eight petal flowers that show Vaikunthas descent on earth.