Sunday, March 15, 2015

Awareness Article #45   Copyright © 2013 Sri Vasantha Sai Books & Publications Trust

Guru Charanam  

Today, Swami gave a piece of paper. On it was written:
Om Sri Sai Ram
My most humble salutation to the Mother of the Universe.
Om Sri Sai Jai Jai Sai
Jay Jay Ram Krishna Hari
Jai Jai Ram
Jai Jai Sai
Jai Jai Ram Krishna Hari
Maanasa Bhajare Guru Charanam
Dustara Bhava Sagara Taranam
Meaning: Meditate in your mind on the lotus feet of your guru.
This alone can take you across the ocean of birth and death
This is what was written on the paper. To left of the song was a lotus with heart-
shaped leaves and on the right was a 5 pointed star. In the top point of the star was a
face with a necklace around it’s neck. It seemed to be the necklace of a woman. 
7 June 2013 Evening meditation
Vasantha : Swami, what is this You have written about the guru?
Swami : Yes, I you write.
Vasantha : Swami, who is calling to the Universal Mother? 
Swami : All are calling. 
Vasantha : What is around the star’s nec


Swami : Dhruva became a star. Your star vibration pervades the entire world. It
spreads across the entire creation. It is your Mangalya. 
Vasantha : Really? Is it real? 
End of meditation
Now let us see about this. Swami wrote this song where all are singing to me. My
star vibration goes throughout the entire world. Dhruva became the pole star due to his
penance. My penance is for world liberation. So the star vibration emanating from my
Sahasrara enters all transforming them into stars. 
This vibration enters the entire creation and all becomes God mayam. The New
Creation is Sathya Sai mayam. It is for this Swami drew my face on the Stupi star and a
Mangalya around my neck. When Swami returns, He will call me. He will then tie the
Mangalya Sutra around my neck. Only then, will the star vibration emerge from the
I am the sky lotus. I have come to earth and I am greatly suffering. The heart of
this sky lotus expands as the earth. Swami’s Mangalya represents my chastity. Without
the Mangalya, the New Creation can never come. How can a child be born without
Swami must first come and declare who I am to the world. He must then tie the
Mangalya sutra around my neck. Only then, will the Stupi and Vishwa Brahma Garbha
Kottam begin to function. Until then, these structures remain as monuments. Swami
must come; otherwise, His Avataric task will not function. 
Manaasa Bhajare Guru Charnam, Dustara Bhava Sagara Taranam was the
first bhajan Swami composed and sang. He revealed Himself to be the Universal Guru.
Here Swami has written the meaning. In your mind, meditate on the lotus feet of your
guru. Catch hold of his feet tightly. This alone will take you across the ocean of birth and
From birth itself, I caught hold of God’s feet. I am afraid of death. Seeing a dead
body, I became afraid and ran to many saints trying to find a way to escape from this. I
cried and wailed. Finally, in 1974 I read a book about Swami called 'Sathyam Shivam
Sundaram'. After reading this, I totally surrendered to Him. In the end, after many tears
Swami gave me His padukas. I would carry them wherever I went. Everywhere, they
remained in my hands. Similarly, I carry Swami’s feet in my heart. Those feet have now
emerged as the Vishwa Brahma Garbha Kottam. 
Swami has also touched and blessed a small pair of padukas in Prasanthi
Nilayam, which I now keep near me. These feet are granting the boon of world liberation
for which I have asked. It grants Mukthi to 570 crores of jeevas. It takes all across the
ocean of birth and death. We have come here to demonstrate this for all eyes to see. Why
did Swami choose this as His first bhajan? Only when writing this did I understand. We
have come to show, prove and demonstrate this bhajan. This is the Avataric task


The lotus and star represent the Kundalini. The 7 chakras of Kundalini are the
lotus. When the Sahasrara opens, the star vibration comes out. All who read this must
awake! Enough roaming in maya! Enough roaming in the ocean of birth and death!
Swami has come here and grants mukthi to all. You may then ask, "What then do I have
to do?" Swami is not giving permanent liberation. You may happily live in the Jeevan
Muktha state for a thousand years. Yet, when the second half of the Kali Age arrives, you
will enter the exact same state that you are in now. You may then say, "Oh I have aged
and will only live for another 19 or 20 years." Yes, your body will die, but your qualities
and character will again enter another body. That which you collect birth after birth is
all stored in your deep impressions. This dirt follows you. 
Now awake and follow Swami’s teachings. What Swami preaches you must
practice in your life. Meditate on any name or form of God. Whichever form or name

you worship, Swami is ready to help. So now awake!