Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Journey with Sai:
Vaikunta to Vaikunta
24 July 2010 Meditation
Vasantha:Swami, in Sanathana Sarathi they said they want to prepare a book called,
‘Journey with Sai’. They want people to send in information about any
tours they went with You. Shall I write about my journey with Sai and
send to them?
Swami:You write how your journey has been going.
Vasantha:I am only joking. How is it possible to write?
Swami:Truly I say, write. Start at the conference in Vaikunta, then Shirdi Sai and
those who came with Him as co workers. Next the Sathya Sai Avatar and
who have come with Him, the Nitya Suris. All you write.
Vasantha:Swami, it will become a big book!
Swami:What does it matter how big it is? You write it as one section as ‘Journey
with Sai, Vaikunta to Vaikunta.
Vasantha:Okay Swami, I will write.
End of meditation
Nowlet us see. OnJuly23,we received the July issue of Sanathana Sarathi in
English. On the lastpage,there was the title, ‘Journey with Sai’. Here they were looking
for those who had been on tour with Bhagavan to various places, to supply details and
photographs. Whoever was associated with the tourswere askedto send any
information. All this was announced through the advertisement.
I read it and then asked Swami in alightheartedway, if I should send in details
about my journey with Him! He said that I should certainly write about it and gave the
title also. He said that the journey started and will end in Vaikunta. If I wrote fully, it
would be the journey through my seventy books(now 120)! How many volumes


come?Thus,Swami asked me to write a section for this Satcharita. He then said I
should begin the book with the meeting that happened before the descent of the Avatar
in Vaikunta. My journey is through three Avatars. Ihave written about the Shirdi Sai
Avatar in the previous chapter. Now I will write about my journey with Sathya Sai that
begins in Kali Yuga and will end with Prema Sai in Sathya Yuga. In the book they want
to write about Swami in Sanathana Sarathi, they are collecting information about His
various tours and will publish this;that isHis journeys on earth. What I am writing is
the Avatar's journey to earth.His Bhooloka journey.
They are asking for information.
This is world liberation.
This is innerthat is outer.
Let us begin...
In Deva Loka,Lord Indra goes by in His chariot, somedevas who are there
discuss, “Our Lord Indra is going to Vaikunta. There is a big conference going on there.
All important people are going.” The Devas then stand by the side and watch as all go to
Vaikunta. Devas,rishis all came from the different worlds to attend the meeting in
Vaikunta. Mahavishnu then tells all that the Shirdi Avatar iscoming to an end and that
He will descend as Sathya Sai Avatar. At that time, Mahalakshmi will also be born with
Him. He then commands who and where all will be born. He calls two Nitya Suris, one
to come as my father, the other as SV. He tells whichdevas andrishis will be some in my
family and who will come as Ashramites. Mahavishnu then reveals who will come with
Swami. It is according to this that Mahavishnu descended as Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai
Baba in Bhooloka.
When Swami was between the age of 11 and 12, in the month of Margolis, Swami
asked His boyhood friends to all go and take a holy bath in the big tank behind the
Hanuman temple at four in the morning. After they had finished all wanted to do
Pradakshina around the Hanuman temple. All went, but hurried back to Him as they all
longed for His leadership. Suddenly when allwent back to the temple, a large monkey
appeared, bigger than any of them had seen. It obstructed their path. It would not allow
Sathya to pass and go to the temple. They tried their best to drive it away, but it would
not move. All the boys were filled with wonder seeing its size. The monkey touching the
feet of Swami, implored Him to let him circumambulate around Him. The young Sathya
then revealed to the children what had happened. The news of this soon spread
throughout the village.
The moment Anjaneyatouched the feet of Swami, a light appeared from His body
and went to the womb of my mother. I am born as that light. When this child wasborn,
it would not stop crying. All in the village gave different suggestionsas tohow to


the child from crying. They said,"The child does not look like the father or the mother.
Perhaps they swopped the baby in the hospital."
Oh poor innocent people! The child was not changed in thehospital;it came from
Vaikunta to Bhooloka. At thattime,no one knew of this.There was a large neem tree
outside the house. Every day the baby would be tied in a sling cradle and rocked to
sleep. At that time, the Ramayana would be read. All would sit in the moonlight, listen
to the story of Rama and the village grandmotherswouldswing the baby. Hearingthis,
thechild became calm. As soon asLaksmanaandShatragunawereborn,they began to
cry. Sumitra tried many ways, but their tears would not stop. She could not find out the
reason why they cried so much. At last, she asked theadvice ofSageVashista. The Sage
told her to place Laksmana close by the cradle of Rama and Shatraguna near the crib of
Bharatha. Sumitra did all this and the two babies stopped crying. Vashista never
revealed the full reason, though he knew the truth.
In thisAge, Vashista could have come to my mother and told her, ‘You place the
cradle of the baby near to Sathya Sai Baba in Puttaparthi, then she will stop her tears. As
she is born from Him, she is crying!’ Could he not have told my mother as he told
Sumitra? He knew all was for the task of the Avatar. I am born from Swami and have
been in separation from Him for 71 years. Thus,my tears have not stopped. It is for this
reason, Swami called me to VashistaCave. Itwasthere He made me unite and merge
withHim as PureConsciousness. This was the merger of feelings;the physical body
remains. Vashista tells in mynadi who Swami and I are. In VashistaCave, my marriage
happened in front ofArundhathi, the wife of Vashista and thedevas.
I do not havethefeeling of hunger from my birth itself. Yet, as achild,I would
cry that I had stomach pain. I was taken to many doctors, who could not find out the
reason. Finally,a doctor said. He said that I was unable to tell that I was hungry andthat
when Ihadpainto give me some milk or curd rice.So when I criedsayingthat I had
pain,they gave me curd rice and it went away. I have never felt hungry. As I am born
from the hungerless state, there is no feeling of hunger. The first feeling to arise in man
is the feeling of hunger.Yet,from birthuntilnow,I have never had this feeling. Now I
have stopped all solid food and am only drinking milk and juices.
In my childhood, I was always afraid to see anyoneandto see the world. I was
afraid of disease, old age and death. Swami has said that He has been protecting me
since I was born, ever with me. It is He alone who can and does protect me. If this had
not been so, I would have long been in a mental hospital, unable to live in this world. I
donot know how to live in the world. Whoever and whatever I see, fear arises. I cannot
live with humansor in the world. My family brought me up inside the house, not
allowing me to go outside. I also did not want to go ou


As Swami was always with me andmy familyall in my family wereborn for His
Avataric task,I could live. From birth to now, Swami has always been with me
throughout my journey on this earth. This is what He hasrecentlysaid.
As achild,I listened to the stories of the great devoteesof the Lord and wanted to
be like them. When I heard the story ofAndal,I wanted to marry and merge in Krishna
along with the physical body. Only these two thoughts occupied my mind as a child.This
has become Swami’s Avataric task now. Swami is provingmoment to moment that He
alone has beenwith me since birth. Thisis the reasonHe has asked me to write this
section of theSatcharitaas journey from Vaikunta to Vaikunta.
I studied in a Christian School from the 6Standard. I would pray to Jesus to

unite me with Krishna. All in the village and at school were very fond of me. They all
loved me without reason. Why did they shower love on me? What is in me? I have no
beauty, no cleverness, always only fear, fear, fear. Whomever I saw, I was filled with
fear. Then why were all attracted to me? It is only now as I write I understand. Swami
was with me. He attracted all like a magnet. This will continue in the Prema Sai Avatar,
when I will also be a pet child. There, God Himself will be attracted to me. Why?The
reason is, Poornam,Prema’s*Poornam.
I showered Prema not only God,but alsoonthe entire creation. All are going to
attain the state of Mukthi due to my sadhana. Itwas not only the students,but the
teachers also called me to their classes.BecauseSwami was in me,allwere attracted to
me.My school days slowly, slowly came to an end. At the time of finishing my studies,
my mother died and my grandmother decided that I should be married.Thus,all
preparedmefor marriage.Iwastold that it was not possible to marry God in this world.
I thought, ‘Andal was an ordinary girl, why can’t I marry Krishna like her?’ She is born
on the earth? Why is it not possible for me?’ These were my thoughts.
In the month of Margolis, we would chant Andal’s dream verses, where she
describes her marriage with Krishna. I sang these songs and lived in an imaginary world
with my Krishna. When I was writingthis,we saw that Swami had written in Tamil,
lines fromone of Andal’s verses in the English translation of the book, ‘Principle of
Becoming God’:
Ishould only be related to You in as many birthsasI take
I should become Your servant,
Remove all my desires
Below the last line,Swamiindicates'karmas,not kaama' (desires). The last line
hechanges to,'We come to change karmas.Who else can do'?For this,Swami and I
*(Amma's name inthePrema Avatar pe


Swamigave poem for my birthday entitled'Janani'.
Janani Janani Vasantha Sai Shubha Janani
Sathya Dharma Shanthi Prema Sahayai Shubha Janani
Poornaavatari Sri Sathya Sai Sahayai Shubha Janani
Janaki Radha Mangala Kodha Sarva Guna Sampanna Shubha Janani
Shubha Janani Mama Loka Matha Janani
The Supreme Mother Vasantha Sai confers auspiciousness
She helps Sai establish Truth,Righteousness and Love by her auspicious birth
She has come as the female Avatar to help Sai in her auspicious birth
The qualities of Janaki, Radha and Kodhai are fostered in her auspicious birth
She is the auspicious Mother who confers all virtues
The Supreme Mother of the world confers auspiciousness
 g g g
However many births I take, I will do all work for You, as Your servant. I want to
be Your relation. I do not have any other desires than this Swami.No matter how many
Avatars come,I will follow Him.WhenHe comes, I come also. This is my journey.
Swami has said that Vadakkampatti isVaikunta.

Jai Sai Ra