Tuesday, January 29, 2013


As oil flows in a continuous stream, so too should we think about God continuously.

From the book "Vedic Principles for Meditation"

Feelings -Root Cause

Freedom is touching god with pure love. To touch the world is attachment.

*Αs thoughts arise, we can discriminate whether they are good or bad, but feelingsw cannot be comprehended in this way. Feelings burst forth spontaneously from within and cannot be hindered or temptered.

*All feelings should be directed towards God; these will bestow good fruits.

*The sensation of touch is the root cause of birth. To remove touch feeling, one should lose body consciousness. 

* As devotion increases, body consciousness diminishes and Prema, the pure llove for God becomes the body. 

* Prema bestows one with the wisdom that God is in all; the One has become many. 

* The body of Prema touches God with wisdom and Truth is born. This is eternal bliss, true bliss, great bliss!

* Prema feelings for God help to withdraw the five senses from worldly pleasures. we realise that all desires and feelings are false - feelings for God alone are true. 

* We must live pure lives sacrificing all. We should offer every sense, the mind, intellect and body to the Lord, keeping nothing for ourselves. This is how we can touch the Lord. This is the meaning of touching Truth. To touch Truth, we should become Truth. 

*Prema does not know shame. It cannot be touched by anything or anyone. It is not dependent on anything. It is ever free. 

*When we are filled with love for God, feelings like anger, hatred or jealousy do not touch us.