Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Every second we are alive is an opportunity to be with God.

Stages of Divinity
The 12 Vinayakas
Eleventh Vinayaka
This Sai Ganesha is around 80 years old and is a very lean figure. He is seen sitting on a chair. His legs have been put together. There is no crown on His head, but an aura of light. His eyes appear to be only seeing half. Swami seems to be suffering. Where has Your majesty gone Swami? You used to walk at a running pace! Who has tied Your legs to Your chair? Wheere is Your crown and smiling face? Where has Your healthy body gone? (I cannot write...I'm crying) Where is Your voice? It is You who has commanded me to write. The thoughts, which I had forgotten, are now coming to my mind once more.