Internal worship is much more effective than showy ritual.
Sarva Bootha Hitha Priyaayai, the one who wants immortality for all beings. What is the innate desire of all living beings? It is to progress on the path of spirituality and eventually attain immortality. Our welfare lies in learning to detach from our own body. Swami said to me, ”You are the one who feeds these thoughts to all living beings. Your are the one who guides humanity on the path of spirituality to experience nearness to God. You receive God’s grace and give it for the welfare of humanity.”
Ignorance is the basic cause of all our troubles. To find peace of mind and live a comfortable life, we must first remove this ignorance. The first precept is unwavering faith in God. We should strive to reach God who is the Supreme Reality, the One who exists for the welfare of all.