Just as Earth bears the man who plunders her; it is good to bear those who wrong us.
The proof of the rain is the wetness of the ground; the proof of true devotion is the peace of mind that the aspirant has attained - the peace which protects him against the onslaught of fai1ures, the peace in which he is unruffled by 1oss and dishonor, the peace that does not disturb his mind with anger, hatred, jealousy, conceit and the 1ower passions, the peace which makes him feel tranquil, unconcerned and unattached under all circumstances and with all human natures. Know that you are the embodiment of that peace
Re1igion is a personal encounter of the individua1 with the Supreme. Each one comes from God, is of God, is Himself God. Each individual is a lovely flower in the garden of Allah. It is only in this wor1d that spiritual progress can be made.
Annihilation of ego and disso1ution of desire can be accomplished here and now, or else going and returning back to this transient world is sure …
God wants of you no big showy things. Offer Him your little gifts of love and He will accept them as His holy food.
The true devotee should be a good farmer. The farmer removes the thorny bushes and weeds; the devotee removes wasteful and wicked thoughts from the heart. The farmer plants, plows, waters, sows, manures and then fi1ls his granary with a rich harvest. The devotee plows the heart with good deeds, waters it with love, manures it with faith, plants the saplings of repetition of the Lord’s name (namasmaran), fences his Se1f with discipline and good company (satsang), and then reaps the harvest of wisdom (jnana)