Tuesday, October 14, 2014

The Power of ‘I without i’
Swami gave four pages of typing with ‘Shanthi Path’ written on it. Here it tells
many different verses.Here is thefirst verse:
OmSaha NavavatuSaha Nau Bhunaktu
Saha Viryam Karavava Hai
Tejasvi Nava DhitamastuMa Vidvishava Hai
Om Shanthi Shanthi Shanthi
May He protect us both (teacher and the taught)! May He cause us
both to enjoy the bliss of Mukthi (liberation)! May we both exertto
discover the true meaning of the sacred scriptures! May our studies
be fruitful! May we never quarrel with each other! Let there be
threefold peace.(Translation:Swami Shivananda The Divine Life Society)
Swami then givesa wonderful explanation ofthemeaningofthis famous slokain
'Sathya Sai Speaks'volume 32,part1.There,it speaks of the principle of equanimity.
Let us move together and let us grow together.
Let us share the knowledge and improve upon it.

Let us live in amity and peace withoutany differences whatsoever.