Friday, April 10, 2015

Awareness Article #3
Compulsory Marriage!
Today,Swami gave one page of writing, divided into different sections. Let us see
the first section:
*Self-surrender, which means theprogressive alteration of the
personality (‘i’ consciousness) of the devotee,allows the devotee’s
consciousness to gradually merge intheIshta Devatha,hischosen form.
Swami put a star here, which indicates Krama Mukthi, where a person attains
liberation progressively and slowly. He attains the Ishta Devatha, his chosen ideal.
Swami said this is Self-surrender and is called Krama Mukthi. All those who are born
here must attain God; this is Krama Mukthi, the path of progressive liberation. However
many births one may take, this is the end for all. A person takes thousands of births and
slowlyattains God progressively, through Krama Mukthi. Another person performs
sadhana, with full effort and attains Mukthi, here and now. This is what Swami has
taught when He came here.
We must perform sadhana with full effort and attain God. Everything else in this
world is perishable. Whatever one earns in life is not permanent. Money post, relatives,
none of these things can be taken with you when you leave this world. If this isrealized
clearly, then you will be greatly benefitted. This rule can be followed with anyform of
Godand you will attain Him. This is what Swami shows and declares through the Sarva
Dharma symbol. God is one; all religions are the same. God is in the heart of all as the
Indweller, the Antaryami. He is there in the state of Witness.
It is through sadhana we must awaken Him. It is then the Indweller increases
more and more in size and guides us. This is told in the 13 chapter of Bhagavad Gita
through the five stages of Upadrishta, Hanumantha, Bartha, Bhoktha and Maheswara.
God is in the heart of all as a blue light the size of the tail end of a paddy grain. Through
sadhana, the blue light grows bigger and bigger, until it occupies the entire body. In this
state, the Jeeva becomes Shiva. This is the Maheswara state.I have shown in a diagram
from the chapter Food Vidya in Beyond the Upanishads, how this blue light expands and
occupies the whole bo

In the Narayana Suktham it is declared,
Niilatoyada madhyasthad Vidyullekheva bhaasvaraa
Niivaarasuuka vattanvee piitaa bhaasvatyanuupamaa
Tasyaa sikhaayaa madhye paramaatmaa vyavasthithaah
Sa Brahma, sa Sivah, sa Harih Sendrah soksharaah paramah svaraat
The One who is in the form of blue light inheart centre, is the personal
God of each. It is said that He is Brahma, He is Hari, Shiva and Indra.
Yet, I say He is not only these names. He is also Jesus, Allah, Guru Nanak,
Zorashtra, Buddha and Mahavir. It is according to the desires of each that one’s chos

form arises and showers His grace. This is what the greatest Avatar came to show us.
The Antaryami, which is shown by Vedas is everyone’s chosen ideal. A Sai bhajan tells,
Rama Kaho Krishna Kaho Ishwara Allah Sai Kaho
Buddha Kaho, Guru Nanak Kaho Zoraashtra
Yugaavatar Tumho Viswasakti Tumho
Sarvadharma Priya Sai Mahesa
Parabrahma Tumho
Here it tells that Swami is the Avatar of the Age, the Universal Shakthi. All
religions teach only one thing, which is Love. This is what Swami shows. All chanted the
Vedas, which was also done in the presence of Swami. Yet, why do people see differences
of caste, creed and religion? The Narayana Suktham tells this only. All know God is in
the hearts of all as a blue light the size of paddy grain. This is the same for all. We say,
‘He is Brahma,Vishnu and Shiva’. In Hinduism, many forms of God are worshipped.
Some adore Shiva, some Vishnu and others Brahma and Indra. The sloka declares that
one can worship any number of names and forms of God. The blue light in the heart is
Brahma,Vishnu and Shiva. In Hinduism, this blue light contains hundreds of gods and
goddesses; the chosen ideals of all.
Christians see the same blue light.For some it is Jesus and others the Virgin
Mary. Each religion sees the blue light as the deity they worship. The Hindu religion is
the firstto followSanathana Dharma. At that time, Vedas declared that God is as a blue
light in the hearts of all. This is the same for all throughout the world. Swami has now
preached the expansion of Vedic literature. There is only one God. Swami showed this to
those from all religions. It is only when one leaves their individuality does the wisdom
come that all are one. One can then show love to all and attain Mukthi. In Sathya Sai
Speaks volume 9, page 116:
No one knows exactly when theVedhaswere collated in their present
form. Bala
Gangadhar Thilak surmised that it must have happened about 13,000
years ago; others bring the date down to 6,000 years ago, but, all are
agreed that it was beyond at least 4,000 years! And, Buddha is a historical
figure, who lived about 2,500 years ago. Christ was born1969 years ago,
and Islam was formed 600 years later. So, chronologically as well as
logically, the inference is correct, that theVedhic Dharmais the grandfather,
Buddhism is the Son, Christianity the grandson, and Islam the great-
Thus,all religions are of one clan: no differences of Christian, Hindu, Moslem,
etc. There is only oneAntaryami, Indweller in all, one blue light of God; so there are no
differences among all. All are children oftheOne God

In the second section, Swami wrote:
...The ego identifies with body and our physicalness,i.e body awareness.
It envelopes uslike smoke obscures the fire, so we cannot see our own true
divine nature.Our highest nature is hidden or covered by this ego, which
identifies with lower nature.
Theego connects with the body, and those who are connected to it. This is how ‘I
and mine’, arises. We connect to all that connects to the body. From this, anger, jealousy
and all bad qualities arise. Through connection to body consciousness, the six bad
qualitieslust, anger, greed, ego, jealousy and attachmentcome to us. Just as smoke
covers fire, we are covered by these six qualities. We are unable to know our true, real
nature. What is our true nature? We are immortals. Swami calls ‘O children of
immortality’. Our real nature is immortality. This true nature is covered and does not
allow us to attain the immortal state. It is due to body consciousness that we are born
and die again and again. If werealizewhat our true nature is we will never be born again
and attain Mukthi. Until werealizethis, we must be born and die again and again. The
cycle of birth will never come to an end until we know this truth. Otherwise,we must
attain liberationslowly through the path of Krama Mukthi, progressiveliberation.
As all are only body conscious, all physical things connect with them. Wife,
children, relatives, money, post,it is in this way our life passes by and goes on. Even if
one forgets their physicalness, others will not allow them to.
An example. A man has a son who is not married. One of his friends asks, ‘Your
son has grown up and you have not arranged his marriage? You not arranged your
daughter’s marriage either?’ The friend sees the boy’s state and kindles the father to
arrange the marriage of his sonand daughter. A year after the marriages have taken
place, the same man asks, ‘Your son has no child yet? Nor your daughter?’ Thus, parents
feel it a duty is to arrange and marriages of their children. If the parents are calm and do
nothing, others say they are committing a great sin. What is this strange world? Time
after time, age to age it is only, ‘my child and marriage’. These two things have become
deeply imprinted in the heart and mind of each human being. It is given the utmost
importance. Societydoes not allow man to live in another way. Through body
consciousness, man is born and dies, born and dies. Here, marriage and having a child is
made compulsory for all!
Jai Sai Ram