Article #12
"I am unable to bear the
separation from Swami and am crying continuously."
26 April 2013 Eveningmeditation
Vasantha:Swami, Swami!My
Swami:Do not cry, come, tell Me?
Vasantha:Swami, Rama separated from His wife and children for
twelve years only.
You separated from the children
and I from 1961! This is 52 years! Shall I
wait another fifty years?
Swami:Do not cry, sure I will come.
Vasantha:Has this happened in any place or any age before?
Swami:Do not cry, you are My devi. Sure I will come. I will write this. It is
through your tender feelings
your body also becomes very soft. The two
things that have caused Me to suffer all these years are My separation
from you and the tears you cry.
When I see you, I will run and hold
bathing you in My tears. Yet, I am afraid that nothing should happen to
your body at that time.
Vasantha:Swami, I cannot bear Your love.
Swami:Your body is so soft, if there is any pressure you are
affected. So, I will be
very careful when I touch you.
End of meditation
Now let us see about this.No matter howmuch I write, I continue
to cry in
separation from Swami. This is the
reason why my body has been affected more. Rama
sent pregnant Sita to the forest.
When her sons Lava andKushawere born, the three
stayed in theashram of Sage Valmiki. It was only after 12 years that Rama saw Sita
again and His children for the
first time. Swami separated from us 52 years ago. He has
also not revealed who I am. It is
for this I asked him, “How long must I wait?” Thinking
about this more,I cried and cried. This situation has
never happened to any one in any
of the previous ages. Inanswer to the tears that I am crying, Swami said that when
see each other for the first time, He will take hold
of my hand and lead me to the house.
Swami added that He is afraid now, as when He holds me, my tender body will not be
able to bear His touch. It is in
this way Swami shows His love. No other form of God has
ever shown love in this way openly.
Swami does all in this way for the Avataric task. No
other incarnation has spoken as He has. The other Avatars
were only in theWitness
state. This Avatarcame to show His feelings.
The feelings of Swami and I go out and
change the world.
Swami gave a piece woven cloth
with some writing on. Let us see:
1 8 d
be yearn
would be
to you
Gardenwe around
Then,SVin the form of arose.
I am always yearning that Vaikunta
descend to earth.18 dindicates this.Now, at
the time when all is finishing,Swami gives this promise
to me. The entire world
becomes a beautiful flower garden;where all areSandVroses.
This is the promise that
Swami gives.
There were also some musical notes on the cloth. Thus, in Sathya Yuga all
becomes sweet music. Swami has
given His promise. As I was crying more on that day,
my eyes were affected.
29 April 2013 Eveningmeditation
Vasantha:Swami, nothingshould
happen to my is okay if the
body suffers.
Swami:When you write, do it slowly, little by little.
You write continuously and
then read what you have written,
while carrying on with other tasks. This
is why it happened.
Vasantha:I willnot do like this anymore.
Nothing should happen to my eyes and
Swami:I promise. Nothing will affect your eyes or mind.
End of meditation
In last night’s post, Swami drew
two eyes and a letterV. When I
asked Swami, He
said, “I have showed this to prove
that nothing will happen to you.”
Swami indicated many things in the book ‘Parabhakthi’from the post on 30
April. On page 62, He wrote in Marathi,
‘Sai KrishnaLeela’.Then on page 63, He
wroteBHand drew the form of an eye. Let us see what is written in the text on that
page. Here Swami tells that after the MahabharataWar, all were awaiting Krishna’s
return to Dwarka. Everyone was ready
to welcome Him. Like a small child waiting for its
mother or the calf eagerly waiting
the mother cow’s return, all excitedly waited fo
Krishna. All
were yearning, suffering unbearable pangs of separation from
Him. It was
on this page that Swami wrote ‘Sai
Krishna Leela.
Swami wrote in this way to show
that He will come back. After the Mahabharata
Warended,the people of Dwarka waited for Krishna'sreturn.
All were yearning
Him. Swami says that I am also yearning
for His return. Yet, it is not only I who is
yearning, but the entire world expects
Him to return. All Swami’s
devotees from the
world over arewaiting.
It is declared in both my and Swami’s nadisthat He will come
again. We are all waiting with
full faith. I am crying each moment, minute to minute.
That was Mahabharata War;this is Kali Yuga War. Swami left His body taking
the sins of all in the world on
His body. I am also suffering having accepted the sins of
all in the world. Each moment I am crying, melting and awaiting His arrival. I am like
thenewbornbaby crying for its mother. Thus, my body is affected
more. Swami said
that He would write. Then on the page that tellshowall of DwarkaawaitedKrishna’s
return, Swami wrote, ‘Sai Krishna
Leela. We can only wonder at God’somniscience.
Now let us see the eyes, which Swami drew and what was written on that page.
There it tells that Krishna’s form appearedsimultaneouslyto each one of the 1,108
gopis. If He had only gone to the
house of onegopi, jealousy would have
arisen, thus, He
entered all housesat the same time. This shows that God is
common for all. God is in all
and isall pervasive.
Here, it tells of the difference
between Radha and the gopis. All the gopis felt that
Krishna belonged to them alone and
not to others. This shows their narrow vision. Yet,
Radha was different and did not think in this way. She thought
that Brindavan and
Govinda were common for all. She realized that the same divinity present
in her was
present in all. This was Radha’s
point of view. When I asked about my eyesight, Swami
used this as a comparison. I am also like Radha. I see God in all in each one and
everything. My penance is for all
to experience Swami as I do. This is the only reason for
my penance. This comes as the New
Creation. Here, Swami and I will be ineveryone
everything, all places at all time. We will enter alland live together throughout the
Jai Sai Ram