One who does not hurt others by thought, word or deed is a true spiritual aspirant.
Monday, March 31, 2014
Saturday, March 29, 2014
Thursday, March 27, 2014
There is always a battle going on between good qualities and bad qualities. We must churn the mind through self-analysis
My five senses did not touch anything or anyone other than God. Swami said this one pointed flame of chastity rages as the fire of wisdom and removes the impurities of all. He called me ‘fire flower’ and gave a red jasmine at a house in Coimbatore to prove these words! Swami said that Vasantha jasmine has blossomed in the Sai fire.
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Awake! Lend your ears to the divine call of the Lord. Make a determined effort right now to seek salvation.
One should remove ignorance realizing that everything in this world is illusion. Then alone wisdom will be born. Touching the divine with wisdom, gives bliss. In Bhagavad Gita, Arjuna tells Krishna that it is easier to harness the wind than to control the mind. If we tie our mind with the Lord, it will come under control and the outside will not touch us. Like a chaste woman, one should feel shy to touch other things. We should be very aware and sensitive to the touch of the world.
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
"Maya and Mahamaya"
is available now,
in our new section
"It's play time"
"It's play time"
Only by Sadhana, sadhana and more sadhana, can a jeeva become Shiva.
My ears are spoiled listening to worldly matters. I cannot hear in one ear. Listening to the sounds of the outer world and relationships, they have been affected. How can I offer these ears to You? How can I do it? Please show mercy on me. Make my ears absolute and perfect.
You gave me a beautiful set of teeth. What did I do? I used them for wrong things. How many unnecessary things were chewed by the mouth? How much this mouth has spoken ill of others. It has found fault with many and the teeth has crushed them mercilessly. How can I offer these teeth to You? Make my teeth absolute and perfect.
How much my nose has smelled the impurities of the world, rather than Your sweet fragrance. It has smelled many bad odours. Since it has not been smelling God’s fragrance, it has become infected and is constantly running. How can I offer this nose to You? How can I offer a cracked pot to You? Due to the impressions of many births, this vessel containing the life force has become faulty.
This skin, how many it has touched? This touch feeling is not pure. With or without my knowledge, I have touched objects of the world. The skin has touched many relatives connected to this body.
Like the lotus, which remains untouched by the water, if I had not touched anything, I would not have been born. This body would not have come on earth. Touching many, the skin has changed colour, become dark and is diseased. How can I offer this skin to You? Make it absolute and perfect.
I wanted to remain young forever. How did old age come? How can I offer this aged body to You? I want to make every part of the body, every organ, absolute and perfect and offer it to You. Please bless and show mercy on me.
Monday, March 24, 2014
Sunday, March 23, 2014
Friday, March 21, 2014
A pure heart reflects like a clean mirror.
This experience with Swami is coming as the Sathya Yuga. From the cosmic feelings prajnana, wisdom and knowingness comes and everyone's prajnana emerges. This is the reason for the coming Sathya Yuga. Spiritual experience is giving the wisdom. My feeling is 'I want to experience God'. These one pointed feelings and this thirst opens the bindu and brings forth the New Creation.
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Human birth is fruitful only if one develops an insatiable spiritual thirst.
Our ancestors told stories of Yama deva and Yama Loka, in order to guide the common man, so he could be redeemed from the world. Yet, in truth, it is not like this. Yama and Yama Loka are in man’s hands only. Before, people lived in fear of hell and sin. Now in this Kali, all casually commit sin. No one has any fear of sin. Man thinks that old age man is funny, and has learned to live in this way. He has made many laws on earth, dividing into clan, country and society. Yet, now he has even stopped living in this way . In Kali Yuga, man has broken all laws and behaves in a bad and evil way. If anyone speaks about the path of spirituality, he does not accept it. Thus, Yamadharma warns Savithri,
... Obey the earthly laws.
If one person goes in search of Atma and does not receive any encouragement and is instead threatened, this is called Yama. In Kathopanishad, it tells of Nachiketha, who like Savithri goes to Yama loka and argues with Yama. The boy asked for Atma Vidya, but Yama showed him many other things instead. He tells the boy to forget Atma Vidya and promises to give him a great kingdom on earth and in the heavens the Apsaras will become his servants. Yama argues in this way with him. Yet, Nachiketha says that he does not want anything other than Atma Vidya. All is told in the form of a story. It is in this way that those who discovered the truths of the Upanishads, wrote all in the form of stories.
If one person goes in search of Atma and does not receive any encouragement and is instead threatened, this is called Yama. In Kathopanishad, it tells of Nachiketha, who like Savithri goes to Yama loka and argues with Yama. The boy asked for Atma Vidya, but Yama showed him many other things instead. He tells the boy to forget Atma Vidya and promises to give him a great kingdom on earth and in the heavens the Apsaras will become his servants. Yama argues in this way with him. Yet, Nachiketha says that he does not want anything other than Atma Vidya. All is told in the form of a story. It is in this way that those who discovered the truths of the Upanishads, wrote all in the form of stories.
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Magic, miracle or mantra cannot transfer Prema from one to another.The required qualifications are simplicity, obedience and humility.
Who is Yama?
.... Though claimest immortality for thy spirit, immortality for imperfect man is dangerous.
Here Yama argues with Savithri and tells immortality is dangerous for the imperfect man. This is the common law for all on earth. All declare in this way and in doing so, train man's thinking from age to age. This is the law of the earth. Man is born, grows, gets married, a lineage is created and then faces death. This is the nature of life on earth. Man accepts this and never thinks beyond it to the Atma. Age after age, he becomes enslaved by this habit. It was through slow contemplation that Stone Age man found out how to live. Worldly life follows the same pattern. Does anyone think to change this and go in a new way?
There is no Yama Loka; it is not a separate world. Each man writes his own destiny. Our ancestors told of Yama deva and his assistant Chitragupta, recording all our actions. Through this, the fear of sin was instilled in man. He was taught, ‘If you do good, it will give heaven, bad leads to hell’. As they were told in this way, all were prevented from performing evil actions. Yet, this is not truth. When you speak harsh words to someone, these words becomes registered as your deep impressions. If you have jealousy, this imprints there. If you argue it is the same. It is in this way, all is registered within us as impressions. The good we do is also recorded there. Finally, it is the good and bad done, which returns to us as destiny. It is this destiny that decides where, when and how your next birth will be. Thus, it is the thoughts, words and deeds of each one that writes destiny. Our death is also decided in this way. This is where and how we will die. This could be a natural death, death through an accident, one taking their own life, through suicide, killed by others. Heaven and hell are not after death, both experienced here, while alive.
There is no Yama Loka; it is not a separate world. Each man writes his own destiny. Our ancestors told of Yama deva and his assistant Chitragupta, recording all our actions. Through this, the fear of sin was instilled in man. He was taught, ‘If you do good, it will give heaven, bad leads to hell’. As they were told in this way, all were prevented from performing evil actions. Yet, this is not truth. When you speak harsh words to someone, these words becomes registered as your deep impressions. If you have jealousy, this imprints there. If you argue it is the same. It is in this way, all is registered within us as impressions. The good we do is also recorded there. Finally, it is the good and bad done, which returns to us as destiny. It is this destiny that decides where, when and how your next birth will be. Thus, it is the thoughts, words and deeds of each one that writes destiny. Our death is also decided in this way. This is where and how we will die. This could be a natural death, death through an accident, one taking their own life, through suicide, killed by others. Heaven and hell are not after death, both experienced here, while alive.
Monday, March 17, 2014
Prema is pure, blissful Consciousness without body, mind, senses intellect or ego. Its essence is beyond human comprehension.
The worship of the formless is very difficult; one needs to have a pure, awakened intellect and strong determination. Only those who do not have any trace of body consciousness can follow this path. As humans, we are born with name and form and so it is easier to engage the mind in worship of God with form. If one does penance with devotional fervor, he can merge in the formless, attribute less, Primal Soul.
Sunday, March 16, 2014
The power of penance and one-pointed Prema towards God is removing the karmas of the world and taking all liberation
Through the path of sadhana, the jeeva awakens the power of the Kundalini Shakthi. The Kundalini rises to the Ajna chakra, the third eye and here the ida and pingala nadis come together, like two entwined snakes facing each other. Above this point is the Brahmarandra. It is situated between the sixth and seventh chakra of Kundalini. Here the Jeevatma and Paramatma experience each other in the state of duality, enjoying bliss.
Through the path of intense sadhana everyone should aspire to reach this state.8 At this stage the jeeva enjoys blissful experiences with the Lord. The jeeva has attained the causal body and is in the state of Jeevan Mukthi. He enjoys the bliss of liberation while living in the physical body. Why wait to be liberated at the time of death? Is there any enjoyment after death? We can enjoy Mukthi here itself right now. I have attained this state and I am enjoying great bliss.
Friday, March 14, 2014
Our efforts to search for Truth are penance. It is Through this penance that we acquire wisdom and it is through this wisdom that we experience bliss.
The Bindu is verily Shakthi, God’s external power of creation and manifestation. This Shakthi aspect is also called the Red Bindu. The white Bindu denotes Shiva and it is situated in the Brahmarandra. The red Bindu is said to be Prakrithi, the white, is Purusha. The red Bindu is situated in the Mooladhara, base chakra and has to be raised to unite with the White Bindu. They meet in the Brahmarandra and merge totally in Sahasrara, the seventh center of Kundalini. This is Yoga or union with God.
Thursday, March 13, 2014
Total faith in God is greater and stronger than God Himself.
Bindu means a drop and is situated like an ‘island amidst a lake’ on the crown of the head. I now understand that this is the Silver Island that Swami has shown in meditation. In my first book I have written about the Silver Island in the middle of the sea of tender coconut water. Swami has referred to it as Vaikunta.
It is said that an individual carries the samskaras, the impressions of his earlier births at this point. My life is verily the result of the deep impressions of Radha. Swami said that the songs and poems that I composed were due to those deep impressions.
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Monday, March 10, 2014
Let your eyes see only God, nothing else.
My Lord if I had been with You
as a speck of dust in Brindavan
I had been born again?
was neither a hill or a tree,
a lake or a fish,
a cow nor a calf,
Your feet I was none of these;
I was not even the lowliest,
I am born again, deprived.
Sunday, March 9, 2014
Your feelings should touch only God. Nothing else.
The root of all feelings is the sense of touch. The basis for touch feeling is the body and the body is the results of birth.
As devotion increases, body consciousness diminishes and Prema becomes our body.
When we attain this body of Prema and touch the Prema body of God with wisdom, Truth is born. This is eternal bliss, true bliss, great bliss!
Saturday, March 8, 2014
To know that peace lies within oneself is true knowledge.
As thoughts arise, we can discriminate whether they are good or bad, but feelings cannot be comprehended in this way. Feelings burst forth spontaneously from within and cannot be hindered or tempered.
You should direct all feelings towards God; these will bestow good fruits. These feelings alone liberate you.
Friday, March 7, 2014
Thursday, March 6, 2014
We can realize the truth when we remove the thought “I am the body”
There are three kinds of Prema or Love. The first is self-gratification, the love dependent on your self-satisfaction. The second kind is when you expect love in return. There is a give and take policy. The third is the true love, which is extolled as Prema, and it is the most selfless. It is pure love for God. It is only for God for the sake of God and it expects nothing in return. There are no desires. There is nothing you want from God. It is only for God and God alone.
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
The maya of the world hides the truth. Realise the truth that the One appears as many…
Love arises only from name, form and relationship. You seek liberation for the entire world. This is a love without name, form and relationship. It emerges from compassion and love towards the whole world. This results in Universal Liberation.
Monday, March 3, 2014
Feelings, thoughts and discrimination focused on spiritual goals lead to wisdom.
Until I realized the relationship between Swami and I, I performed many austerities with the thirst to attain Him. The yearning, the longing, wanting Him for myself, caused me to make these intense efforts. Today Swami is telling, “You are My Shakthi. Knowing this, be at peace.”
Sunday, March 2, 2014
Success will certainly be achieved when the path is walked in humility, without ego and by possessing full faith.
The mind will only desire that which it thinks it does not possess. The urge to possess arises, along with the effort to attain it. There will be eagerness to acquire. Once it knows that it is in possession of what it so keenly sought, the desire will end. There will be no more effort, no tension, no experience, and no desire to experience. Once the mind is established in the thought, ‘It is yours’, then only peace follows, Supreme Peace. Effort has to be made only until then.
Saturday, March 1, 2014
As the flame of lamp kept in a windless place does not flicker, so the illumined self is very radiant.
This is my state. The feelings of Universal Motherhood surge in me. My tears will not stop and my struggle will not end until I have obtained Mukthi for all.
Love is One. Love towards God is Prema. When it expands to the whole world, it becomes Universal Motherhood. Seeing God alone and showering love on Him is Prema. This is dvaita, duality. The mind that is absorbed in God, begins to see Him everywhere. Seeing God everywhere is advaita, non-duality Since I wanted to marry God, I now see all in the world as my children.
Prema ripens into motherly feelings. At first the mind should be focused on a single form. This is Prema. I showered my love one pointedly on God. When my love expanded to encompass the world, it became Universal Motherhood.
All of us have felt a mother’s affection, love and sacrifice. If the feelings of a mother towards a child are so intense, then imagine the power of the feelings of a mother who considers the entire world as her children. Contemplate on this and you will understand my state.
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