The power of penance and one-pointed Prema towards God is removing the karmas of the world and taking all liberation
Through the path of sadhana, the jeeva awakens the power of the Kundalini Shakthi. The Kundalini rises to the Ajna chakra, the third eye and here the ida and pingala nadis come together, like two entwined snakes facing each other. Above this point is the Brahmarandra. It is situated between the sixth and seventh chakra of Kundalini. Here the Jeevatma and Paramatma experience each other in the state of duality, enjoying bliss.
Through the path of intense sadhana everyone should aspire to reach this state.8 At this stage the jeeva enjoys blissful experiences with the Lord. The jeeva has attained the causal body and is in the state of Jeevan Mukthi. He enjoys the bliss of liberation while living in the physical body. Why wait to be liberated at the time of death? Is there any enjoyment after death? We can enjoy Mukthi here itself right now. I have attained this state and I am enjoying great bliss.