Magic, miracle or mantra cannot transfer Prema from one to another.The required qualifications are simplicity, obedience and humility.
Who is Yama?
.... Though claimest immortality for thy spirit, immortality for imperfect man is dangerous.
Here Yama argues with Savithri and tells immortality is dangerous for the imperfect man. This is the common law for all on earth. All declare in this way and in doing so, train man's thinking from age to age. This is the law of the earth. Man is born, grows, gets married, a lineage is created and then faces death. This is the nature of life on earth. Man accepts this and never thinks beyond it to the Atma. Age after age, he becomes enslaved by this habit. It was through slow contemplation that Stone Age man found out how to live. Worldly life follows the same pattern. Does anyone think to change this and go in a new way?
There is no Yama Loka; it is not a separate world. Each man writes his own destiny. Our ancestors told of Yama deva and his assistant Chitragupta, recording all our actions. Through this, the fear of sin was instilled in man. He was taught, ‘If you do good, it will give heaven, bad leads to hell’. As they were told in this way, all were prevented from performing evil actions. Yet, this is not truth. When you speak harsh words to someone, these words becomes registered as your deep impressions. If you have jealousy, this imprints there. If you argue it is the same. It is in this way, all is registered within us as impressions. The good we do is also recorded there. Finally, it is the good and bad done, which returns to us as destiny. It is this destiny that decides where, when and how your next birth will be. Thus, it is the thoughts, words and deeds of each one that writes destiny. Our death is also decided in this way. This is where and how we will die. This could be a natural death, death through an accident, one taking their own life, through suicide, killed by others. Heaven and hell are not after death, both experienced here, while alive.
There is no Yama Loka; it is not a separate world. Each man writes his own destiny. Our ancestors told of Yama deva and his assistant Chitragupta, recording all our actions. Through this, the fear of sin was instilled in man. He was taught, ‘If you do good, it will give heaven, bad leads to hell’. As they were told in this way, all were prevented from performing evil actions. Yet, this is not truth. When you speak harsh words to someone, these words becomes registered as your deep impressions. If you have jealousy, this imprints there. If you argue it is the same. It is in this way, all is registered within us as impressions. The good we do is also recorded there. Finally, it is the good and bad done, which returns to us as destiny. It is this destiny that decides where, when and how your next birth will be. Thus, it is the thoughts, words and deeds of each one that writes destiny. Our death is also decided in this way. This is where and how we will die. This could be a natural death, death through an accident, one taking their own life, through suicide, killed by others. Heaven and hell are not after death, both experienced here, while alive.