Tuesday, March 25, 2014

The game 
"Maya and Mahamaya" 
is available now, 
in our new section 
"It's play time"

Only by Sadhana, sadhana and more sadhana, can a jeeva become Shiva.

My ears are spoiled listening to worldly matters. I cannot hear in one ear. Listening to the sounds of the outer world and relationships, they have been affected. How can I offer these ears to You? How can I do it? Please show mercy on me. Make my ears absolute and perfect.
You gave me a beautiful set of teeth. What did I do? I used them for wrong things. How many unnecessary things were chewed by the mouth? How much this mouth has spoken ill of others. It has found fault with many and the teeth has crushed them mercilessly. How can I offer these teeth to You? Make my teeth absolute and perfect.
How much my nose has smelled the impurities of the world, rather than Your sweet fragrance. It has smelled many bad odours. Since it has not been smelling God’s fragrance, it has become infected and is constantly running. How can I offer this nose to You? How can I offer a cracked pot to You? Due to the impressions of many births, this vessel containing the life force has become faulty.
This skin, how many it has touched? This touch feeling is not pure. With or without my knowledge, I have touched objects of the world. The skin has touched many relatives connected to this body.
Like the lotus, which remains untouched by the water, if I had not touched anything, I would not have been born. This body would not have come on earth. Touching many, the skin has changed colour, become dark and is diseased. How can I offer this skin to You? Make it absolute and perfect.
I wanted to remain young forever. How did old age come? How can I offer this aged body to You? I want to make every part of the body, every organ, absolute and perfect and offer it to You. Please bless and show mercy on me.