Friday, October 11, 2013

the e-Newsletter Prema Vahini of September 
from Mukthi Nilayam is available in our e-Library

Thougth for the Day

No darkness of illusion 
No danger of twin action
No dark clouds of delusion
Hear sweet music of devotion.
It is the dawn of Truth
The blossoming of spirit
Every place I see Quiet in Divinity

Awareness Article # 1
Clown and Beggar

Swami has said. Man is ever roaming, searching and running like a beggar birth after birth. Now, at the time when Swami is here, we must not be beggars. All have come here to attain God. We must realise now, at the time Swami is here. It is due to desires that man is ever running here and there. He goes from place to place, and makes great efforts to fulfil his wishes. This is Maya; all is perishable. If this is realised, you will attain immortal bliss. This birth has been given to us to attain God.