Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Thought for the day

The greed of man for the earth's resources disturbs the balance in nature. 

From the book 10 Avatars in 1
Now let us see. Prahlada’s grandson, King Bali was the king of the asuras. The king wanted to perform the Viswajith yagna. On its completion, the whole world would come under his control. He had completed 107 yagnas. Only one more remained. The devas were afraid and prayed to Lord Narayana to intervene. God heard their prayers and took birth as the Vamana Avatar, the son of Sage Kashyapa and Atitidevi. He was very small in stature with sweet features. Vamana goes to the yagashala of Bali and is honored by the King. He asks the King for a gift of a three-foot measure of land. The King agrees to give Vamana what he wants. However, the king’s guru, Sage Sukracharya, warns King Bali, “He is Mahavishnu. Do not give Him what He asks.” King Bali says he will not go back on his word. At that moment Vamana took the cosmic form of Trivikrama and measured the earth. With the next step he measured the sky. In two steps, He measured both the earth and sky. As there was no place left for the third step, King Bali bowed down and offered his head. Mahavishnu placed his foot on the head of the king and pushed him down to Patala loka. Bali continued his rule in Patala loka. God sent his divine chakra to guard the entrance to his palace.

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            Like Vamana’s request for 3 feet of land, I asked Swami for one place. He agreed and gave me a place in His heart. However, I was not satisfied. I ask for another place, a place in the omnipresent God. Through my Prema, I became the entire creation as Vasanthamayam. Still not satisfied, I wanted my Prema to fill up the 14 worlds. In Tamil Prema has three letters: P re ma. Now two letters of my Prema have entered everything, but there is no place for the third letter. I ask Swami to speak like King Bali and be a man of His word. He gave me a promise that as alms he would put these three letters in my begging bowl. One inch of paper is enough to write these three letters. But just like Vamana’s ‘3-feet’, it keeps growing and growing. There is no place for the third letter. Then this Avatar took a moment to contemplate. He said, “You ask for one place in my heart as Vasantha. Now your Prema has expanded and filled up the universe as the God principle. You are everywhere as Vasanthamayam. Now who are you?”