Friday, July 5, 2013


Thought for the day 
The accumulated fruits of penance are like savings in the bank accruing interest. 

From the book reincarnation of Radha  I used to do japam, dhyanam, chanting of slokas. Vishnu Sahasranama, Baba Sahasranama, etc.  Baba asked me to stop all those things, it is not necessary for me. He asked me, "What is the purpose of doing japam and dhyanam"! To attract God, you do not need japam and dhyanam."Whenever I close my eyes in meditation. Swami comes and I repeat again and again "Swami. I love Swami. Swami venam. Swami venam". (I want Swami. I want Swami)."I used to ask Swami. "Take me away immediately from the world. I don't like the world - the people, book, fame. I want Swami only." I asked Swami to create a separate Prasanthi valley for us. Swami created a Silver Island (described in my book 'Liberation Here Itself Right Now for we two. Swami used to console me saying "'lo uplift the humanity you have to do several services to humanity. It is very easy to approach Me. Through you many people will be enlightened and adopt the ways and means to attain Me. You are 'Jagat Guru' (Universal Master). People all over will get divine feelings on seeing your physical body, and also even if they just think of you and also by sending letters to you."First I used to worship Krishna as my Mother, Friend and Guru. At a later stage, I loved and worshipped Him as my Divine Lover. About 15-20 years back I was considering Krishna as a small child. Then once child Krishna actually came to me from backside. I got that feeling. I used to write letters to Swami considering Him as the Mother and myself as His child.