Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Thought for the day

Thought for the day

The jeeva should become empty of desire. The ego should cease to exist.

The Vedas glorify the worship of Agni, fire. Agni is verily Narayana. The first sound of the Vedas is Agni. Swami told me, “You have come taking the first word as your form.” The Vedas emerged from God. The Vedas emanated from the inhalations and exhalations of the Divine breath. They were heard by the sages who lived lives of righteousness, never slipping from the path of truth.

Fire is produced by striking two flints or by rubbing two sticks together. Where is this fire? It was latent in wood. Fire appears through the action of rubbing the sticks.

The fire latent in the wood emerges by
rubbing two sticks together; this is then 
used in yagna. The first sound of the 
Vedas is Agni, heard directly from God. 
Swami says that the Vedas emanated from 
the inhalation and exhalation of God. 
How does one qualify to hear the very 
breath of God? Swami answers this 
question in Sutra Vahini.