Shiva granted a boon to Bhasmasura. Whatever he asked, Shiva gave. Shiva did not see the difference between good and bad. This is one divine attribute of God. In the same way, Shiva also fulfilled Hiranyakasipu’s boon. Hiranyakasipu secured the boon that he should not be killed either in the day or in night, inside the house or outside, by man or beast, on the ground or in water, or through any kind of weapon. The Lord granted such a boon. Shiva always, immediately gives what one asks for. This is why He is called, ‘Bolanath’, bhola means innocent. On the other hand, Lord Vishnu is always clever.
After Lord Shiva escaped from Bhasmasura, Lord Vishnu descended and cleverly killed the asura. Vishnu always rescues Shiva from His many troubles and solves His problems. This is one divine attribute of God, the nature of the Avatar. Swami is showing this through me.