Tuesday, August 26, 2014

When people with the same nature pray with a single objective, their goal is realised.


Vasantha : Swami, it is You who is performing this yagna today. You destroy all these people.

Swami : Do not worry. All will be okay.

Vasantha : Oh Devas! Saints, Sages, realized souls, come. Now we will place these people in the fire. You destroy them. Oh Yamadharmaraja, punish them or destroy them. Swami! You do something…

Swami : Do not cry. Do not worry. All will be okay.

Vasantha : Please show a proof.

Swami : Sure, I will.

Vasantha : Please, take my letter Swami.

Swami : Sure, I will take.

End of Meditation

After I opened my eyes, I noticed that there was vibuthi on Swami’s paduka peetam, which we had carried to the yaga shala. We began the yagna. Each one placed the models they had made in the fire. I offered all the poems that I had decorated and framed. We then performed Shanthi yaga, sang bhajan and offered arathi. When we returned to the house, we found amrith on Swami’s padukas. All took amrith from the padukas.
