Friday, January 2, 2015

Awareness Article # 1
Swan and Crow
Some time ago,Swamigave a photograph of His hand, withVibuthipouring from
it. I have written about this before. Then, some days after this, He gave another
photograph. This time many hands were seenstretched out asking forVibuthi. The
Vibuthiis seen pouring in one hand, many hands around it. There written in red pen
“TheVibuthiI materialize is a manifestation of Divinity with potent
significance. It is what is left when everything worldly,transient and changeable has
burnt away.”
...Dust thou art and unto dust shall thou return
TheVibuthithat Swami gives to all is materialized anddivine. This entire
creation is impermanent, temporary and ever-changing. Man is born, grows, lives and
finally dies. After death, he becomes ash. How many sorrows, difficulties, happiness and
different states of mind he goes through? All is constantly changing. Man passes
through all only to finally become ash. If a man were to truly write down whatever
thoughts appeared in his mind from morning to night, how much would be there! It is
these many different thoughts, which become his nature and the deep impressions.
These are the Samskaras, which are the cause for him to be born and die repeatedly.
There is nothing in this world that is permanent; all is ever changing. Just like a man
who is born and dies, a plant becomes tree and also finally dies. It is the same with the
animals and birds. There is nothing in this world, which is permanent. Yet, man passes
his time by collecting temporary things. Husband, wife, children, relations etc. However,
one day all becomes ash. Why to suffer so much for this?  All who have come from God
must once again attain Him. Until that time, man must be born and die again and again.
In this world, each one is unique; no two people are the same. This is also the same for
twins. All are individuals. Thus, man must live according to his own nature. Yet, he lives
in a false way, looking at others and copying them.  The first lesson which is taught in
Kindergarten is not to copy others. Why does the copying of others come about? It is
because all compare themselves to others. An example. A man buys a car, his neighbour
then thinks that he too will buy a car.  The son of a man studies in convent school,
another thinks, ‘I will send my son to the same school’. A woman buys a piece of
jewellery, another tells, ‘This month I will also buy a new jewel’. Thus, when one
compares himself to others, it makes him copy them. It is the same in spiritual life. One
person goes each day to an ashram, another thinks, ‘I will also go’. Yet, all these th


will not bring about any real change in the individual. We must learn good habits from
othersand must change ourselves. We are only born to transform ourselves. All must
attain God throughanindividual journey. Wecannottake anyone along with us on this
journey.  All must correct themselves. This is something that Swami has taught through
the story of the swan and crow. The walk of the swan is verybeautiful. Thus, poets
compare the walk of a graceful woman with that of the swan. Once a crow saw a swan
walking and wanted to walk like it. The crow made great efforts to learn, yet, it became
very tired in its efforts. Finally, the crow stopped trying and returned to his crow walk.
However, try as he might, he could not remember how to walk like a crow.  In the same
way, if you copy others, you will lose your own nature. This is what Swami warns all in a
strong and forceful way. Thus, do not copy others.Try to attain all through your own
nature. Copying others is only done for show. God knows the feelings of all; so do not be
a hypocrite.  An example. Two Jain ladies came here and asked if they could stay in the
Ashram. We agreed. They stayed one night and left the next morning.  Then today, they
came back to the Ashram, on their return journey. The two only walk wherever they go.
Two men came here in a van with their luggage.  The ladies did not ask, ‘Whose ashram
is this? Who lives here?’ They did not pay attention to any of these matters. Those from
their religion prepare places everywhere where they can stay. The two took rest, and
then continued on their journey. They did not pay attention to anything here; they are
on their own path. We must be likethis. Nothing should be an obstacle on our path. We
should not look at what others are doing.
18 April 2013 Evening Meditation
Vasantha:Swami, why are people like this, looking at others and copying them?
Shall I write about this?
Swami:Write it as‘Awareness Articles’.
Vasantha:When I see the gardener, my heart melts...poor people Swami, please
change them?
Swami:When you see him coming, tears come, when you think of him coming
compassion flows. These two things will surely change him. A mother
keeps a sick child or one that is unknowing on her lap and looks after
them. She never worries about the other learned children.
Vasantha:Swami, it makes me angry to see those who are learned looking at and
copying others!
Swami:This is one mothers’ nature.
Vasantha:Swami, I am the ‘unknowing child’, You always keep me on Your lap.
Swami:You are always on My lap or chest.
End of Meditat


Now let us see about this.  Each day the gardener comes to the Viswa Brahma
Garbha Kottam at 6. 00 amand is there when we come. After Arti, he goes about his
work. Before, he was an alcoholic and smoker, but when he came here, he said that he
left his bad habits. I am very happy when uneducated, unknowing village folk come here
and change in this way.  Thus, I pray to Swami for them. When I see him, tears come to
my eyes. The greatest God came here to redeem those who are like him.  They are
innocent villagers, are without pretense and realize their faults. Thus, I pray for them.
The child who is ill or who does not know anything is always kept on the lap of the
mother, who takes care of it. She never worries about the other older children, the
learned ones.  Swami compares my state to the mentality of the mother. When the
learned or those with knowing, make mistakes, anger arises in me. When simple people
transform themselves, I see this and want to pray more for them. Swami gave an
example for this. Even if we pour rose water on a garlic plant each day, its nature will
never change; the smell of garlic will always be there. This is what Swami says.  Thus,
whatever we do, old vasanas will never leave us. Even if you bathe garlic with rose water
and cover in with Badam halwa, an almond sweet, yet, the smell will never go. In the
same way, if you look to others and copy them, you will meet your downfall. There will
be no redemption; that vasana will never go. You are just cheating yourself. This is
something that is not done in spirituality. One wants Japa, another meditation,
someone else service activities;so, do not look at and copy others. God must be attained
through our own nature. Before I wrote a song:-
Howmanykinds of peoplearethere?
All are proof of God’s grace
All have different natures
Some have an animal hiding inside
Other’sa Deva hidingwithin
Yet, all is God’s play
Learn the good habits from each person you see. Imbibe good qualities from him.
Do not copy his deeds, copy his qualities.This greatest Avatar came here for those poor,
who do not know anything. They go on the wrong pathwithout knowing it. Swami and I
must change them. My tears and prayers are for them only.  For all others, there is only
the wisdom I write. Read, realize and transform yourself! Swami said if the ignorant
make mistakes, they are told and will change. But,those who are learned do not realize
their mistakes and only try to hide them.

Jai Sai Ra