Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Awareness Article #3
Compulsory Marriage!
Today,Swami gave one page of writing, divided into different sections. Let us see
the first section:
*Self-surrender, which means theprogressive alteration of the
personality (‘i’ consciousness) of the devotee,allows the devotee’s
consciousness to gradually merge intheIshta Devatha,hischosen form.
Swami put a star here, which indicates Krama Mukthi, where a person attains
liberation progressively and slowly. He attains the Ishta Devatha, his chosen ideal.
Swami said this is Self-surrender and is called Krama Mukthi. All those who are born
here must attain God; this is Krama Mukthi, the path of progressive liberation. However
many births one may take, this is the end for all. A person takes thousands of births and
slowlyattains God progressively, through Krama Mukthi. Another person performs
sadhana, with full effort and attains Mukthi, here and now. This is what Swami has
taught when He came here.
We must perform sadhana with full effort and attain God. Everything else in this
world is perishable. Whatever one earns in life is not permanent. Money post, relatives,
none of these things can be taken with you when you leave this world. If this isrealized
clearly, then you will be greatly benefitted. This rule can be followed with anyform of
Godand you will attain Him. This is what Swami shows and declares through the Sarva
Dharma symbol. God is one; all religions are the same. God is in the heart of all as the
Indweller, the Antaryami. He is there in the state of Witness.
It is through sadhana we must awaken Him. It is then the Indweller increases
more and more in size and guides us. This is told in the 13 chapter of Bhagavad Gita
through the five stages of Upadrishta, Hanumantha, Bartha, Bhoktha and Maheswara.
God is in the heart of all as a blue light the size of the tail end of a paddy grain. Through
sadhana, the blue light grows bigger and bigger, until it occupies the entire body. In this
state, the Jeeva becomes Shiva. This is the Maheswara state.I have shown in a diagram
from the chapter Food Vidya in Beyond the Upanishads, how this blue light expands and
occupies the whole bo