Thursday, January 1, 2015


In thechapter,I wrote yesterday, Swami asked me why I always think in a
negative way and that I should think positively. I then wrote explaining why.From my
youngage,I have written aself-examinationdiary each day. I taught this habit to my
children. I havealsoasked those in theashramto write a self-examination diary.I
performed thisself-examinationand prayed toGod withtears. This is my main work. All
others are functioningcenteredon the ‘I and mine’. I have no ‘i’, all is only Swami.
I  have noself-confidence. It is only if I have'i', will self-confidence come to me. Yet, always have one fearthat ifI do something wrong Swami will leave me. This is my fear. I want God.Thisis my unquenchable thirst. We are born here to transform ourselves; otherwise,we will be born again and again.