Tuesday, January 6, 2015


Clown and Beggar
Yamini asked the question, “In the Aitareya Upanishad, it is said that Drishti means to see
with the mind’s eye. You explained for ordinary people, but how do you see all?”
Here is my answer. From my young age, I have never seen anythingfrom a worldly angle. I
connect all with spirituality. I have written of this before in greatdepthas‘cutting and
connecting’. Ordinary people seeone thingthrough their physical eyes, and something else
through their mind’s eye. Whatever I see with myphysical eyes I connect with God. I have
given many examples of this in the past. Thus, Swami now gives pictures, objects and other
things and asks me to write. I am writing about the wisdom of each thing. Whenever and
whatever I see, my eyes do not see the outer view; they see only the inner meaning. I am
telling of the inner divinity of each thing. There is nothing in this world that is devoid of
divinity. All comes from the permanent One God.   Lord Krishna has declared in the Gita that
allinCreation are like the beads strung on a single string. The beads are the many different
creations.  God is the thread, which all is strung on. When one sees the beads, the thread is
hidden from view. Only the beads are seen. Thus, all see the outer world and are deluded.
The beads, which are seen outside are all different. Man passes his time through his‘I and
mine that offamily, post,etc.