Monday, January 19, 2015

Awareness Article #48  
 Copyright © 2013 Sri Vasantha Sai Books & Publications Trust

Chapter 48
My body is not well. Dots have again appeared on my scalp and my hair is falling
out. What should we do? Which doctor shall we consult? Today Swami gave a bouquet
of five lily flowers, which had five leaves. He also gave a box of turmeric, yet inside was
sandal powder. In the afternoon, I read the June issue of Sanathana Sarathi. Here many
devotees have written about their experiences. After reading, I began to cry and cry,
"Why don't I have such experiences?" All consoled me. 
Noon meditation
Swami :  Why are you crying in this way?
Vasantha :  I do not have such experiences. How much they have enjoyed.
Swami : None has had your experience. Theirs was only an outer experience.
Yours is within.
Vasantha :  Swami, I have no experience. What is the use in writing? You have also
not come.
Swami :  Sure I will come. 
Vasantha :  Swami we all discussed whether we should call the dentist or ENT doctor. 
Swami :  No. No doctor. All will be okay. 
Vasantha :  Should we go see Dr. Vijay Kumar or Dr. Ramaswami?
 Swami :  Both are the same. Take the medicine that they prescribe.
 Vasantha : Will You write which doctor or medicine? Till You come, write
something... a remedy for the difficulties in my body. What shall I do with
the sandal powder?
Swami :  At night, apply it on your body. Do the same during the day


Vasantha :  Swami what are the lily flowers?
Swami :  The entire Sathya Yuga is only our marriage. 
Vasantha :  Now I understand Swami.

End of meditatio