Monday, September 30, 2013

Thougth for the Day

Wisdom purifies the mind so that all our experiences are true

You want to be praised by others?

 I asked Swami "Why am I praising others?". Swami said that this is my nature and indicated a poem that I learned as a child. That poem is the very basis of my life. Here is the poem:

The one who wants to be praised by others
Must follow one thing without forgetting
Always tell of the good qualities of others
And do not tell what is bad
Show humility to all

If one wants to be praised by others, then they must only see the good qualities in all and never see the faults of others. Always be humble to all. From the day I first read this till now, I always tell only the good qualities of others, and never their faults. This is my nature and this is what I have practiced.
I have not done this for the sake of name and fame. My habit is only to see my own faults. I see my own faults and the good qualities in others. I learn from all. As I have learned lessons from each and everyone, I asked Swami to grant world liberation in gratitude to all. I do not speak of their good qualities to flatter them. Flattery means to  praise directly. I do not tell in a direct way. I write in the books and write whole heartedly. I do this without any expectation. I have asked for liberation for all to balance my debt. If I were to expect anything, then my debt would only increase.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Thougth for the Day

Our mind is stained and dirty with waste and impurities collected over many lifetimes. We have to go through the ordeal of cleansing the mind

Today, out of fear of the world, we stay away from God's name. But, when death puts its noose around your neck and drags you away, there will be no time to repent, nor will any one of those who influenced you to give up Gods name come to your rescue. Indeed, who can save you? Remembrance of God's name during one's life will decide the treatment one gets at the time of death. Therefore, if you keep chanting Gods' name right from an early age, whenever the end comes, it will come to your rescue. 
Students! Do not be afraid of anyone or anything when it comes to chanting God's name. Further, give no room to ego or attachment. Weighed down by ego and attachment we destroy our lives. Everything should be offered to God.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Thougth for the Day
Self-realisation is the true end of the journey. The final state is jeevan muktha

Divine conversation …

19 February 2002 Meditation

Vasantha: Swami, when will this uncontrollable Prema come under control? Why am I crying and wailing for You? I cannot bear it! (I cried and cried)
Swami: This is a Prema that continues age to age. Listen to me. I will tell you one thing. None have had this Prema in any yuga. Sita Rama, Radha Krishna were not like this. It is only we two. I will give you an example to show the height of this Prema. Even if I merge in you and you merge in Me, this Prema’s thirst will never be quenched. This is the peak of its state. This state of merging and yearning makes us want more and more. No one can be like this.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Thougth for the Day

A jeeva who merged in pure consciousness cannot return

Body is disease, birth is the disease. The body is only born to remove the disease of birth. So I ask for liberation from the Supreme doctor - Swami. He is the only doctor who can remove the disease of birth. If His grace is present, then He can cancel all your old accounts. So make effort now!
Practice what He preaches! Show Love to ALL!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Thougth for the Day

Every man is born from God and must merge back into Him

ONLY THE ONE WHO LOVES, can know this love. Even the one, whom he loves, cannot understand. I love Swami very much, yet He cannot understand the depth of my love. One can see how high a mountain is by either looking at it or seeing its picture in a book. Its height is measurable. For example, we know the height of Mount Everest. We can see mountaineers climb and take pictures of it. How can we see the ocean’s depths? How can we see the depths of the earth? We can gauge the ocean‟s depth at a particular point, but cannot say that this is the depth of the entire ocean. How to measure my Prema for Swami? It is an ocean of Prema. From this great ocean, only a few drops have taken form as books. A few more drops took the form of my letters to Swami. Those who stay with me here may know a spoonful. Those who feel, melt and experience this Prema, may drink a cup from the ocean of Prema. Swami may swim in this Prema ocean, plunge into its depths, may dive, but He can never know the depth of this Prema. He is God. He is in the state of being. In the times of Rama and Krishna, the Avatars may have 

enjoyed a little Prema...

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Thougth for the Day
God is everywhere and in everything. Do not push anything saying it is maya. Whatever happens, accept and experience it as it is.

LOVE IS EXPANSIVE. WITHOUT LOVE, there is no world. The world comes into existence with love as its basis. Without love, there is no creation. The defining quality of love is its giving nature. When love gives, it expands. Love expresses itself in many ways. I have written much about this earlier. My Prema is also like this. Whatever I attain, I want to share with others. Whatever this one Vasantha has, all must have; from a worm to Brahma, all must have the same. Man says, „I want this, I want that‟. Money, house, fame, degrees, career, all are perishable. What have I attained? Immortal Prema, God‟s love, the Mukthi state, Eternal bliss, peace. I want all to enjoy the same. This nature of mine, which sees no differences, em- braces the whole world as one.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Thougth for the Day
We have taken birth in this body only to undertake sadhana. Even if we are rewarded with the darshan of God, we must continue sadhana until our last breath.



Paramatma Satcharita  Part 2, 8, 9, 10 and 11 
are now available  in our e-library

In her last moments Radha was lying on Krishna‟s lap, she was speaking to Him, her eyes on Him. Radha left her body listening to the sweet music of Krishna‟s flute. Our next birth is determined by the thoughts that occupy our mind at the time of death. If one dies thinking affectionately of one‟s children, he is born again entangled in the net of children‟s love. If he dies with thoughts of his wife, he will again be caught in the same attachment in his next life. Every subsequent birth is decided by the thought at the time of death. This is told in the 8th chapter of the Bhagavad Gita. It is not so important what one does in life; but it is very important how one dies. Such a glorious death comes only by doing sadhana throughout life.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Paramatma Satcharita 
Part 2, 8, 9, 10 and 11 
are now available 
in our e-library
Thougth for the Day

A sadhaka should be filled with sathwaguna 
to the extent that he is not aware 
of his own state.

From the book

We have come here to balance the shortcomings of each Avataric period. What happened in the previous Avatars was not a mistake, all happened as it should at that time. The supreme and greatest Avatar has come to make all Poornam. We suffer in this way now, to balance all.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Thougth for the Day

Truth is realized 
when one sees God in His creation

From the book
The Primal Stupi

Swami said that it is in accordance to taste that different ashrams attract certain people.Swami shows here that for in His Avataric task, all tastes are one. Just as there are differen treligions, there are different ashrams. People join a religious group or choose a religion, worshiping the chosen aspect of God they like. Similarly, the ways of each ashram are different. People select and follow according to what suits their needs  and ful fills their desires. Swami shows here that all gods and religions are one. All are children of one God, one religion,the religion of love. Swami demonstrates this. Swami’s feeling and my feelings go through the Stupi and transform the Kali Age into Sathya Yuga. This is the adquarters of the Sathya Sai Emperor. It is the Emperor’s kingdom. All is happening through His will. The other ashrams are like the smallerrulers.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Thougth for the Day

Infinite Prema is Prajnana, 

“Supreme wisdom”

From the book

We should select the right guruor saint and ask them how to see God. If we cannot find a guru, we should read Swami’s books. Yet, is it enough to only read them? We must change and transform our selves as well. It is for this reason alone that miracles happen as Swami’s visiting cards. However, people make these visiting cards into personal identity cards. Showing them to others, they gather a crowd around them and secure name, fame and money.They give more importance to the body and go on increasing their feelings of ‘I and mine’.It is through these selfish actions that they are destroyed.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Thougth for the Day

Prema is not the love for God alone; 

it is love for the entire creation.

From the book
The Primal Stupi

I am born from Swami.He has brought some here for His task. Some stay with me and some are in other places. We must attain Swami. Until that time, we continue to struggle in the sea of life. When Swami comes again, He will take us to His blissful shore of love. We wait until then and continue our work. He will take us back to the place from which we have come.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Thougth for the Day

There should not be 
the slightest trace of impurity in Prema. 
It should be pure and absolute.

From the book

Swami asked me to see the nadis and publish them in a book. Yet, there are some who do not believe in them. ‘Swami has left the world. His story has come to an end’. This is what they think. How many people has Swami saved from death? Did He not bring Walter Cowan back to life? There is nothing in this world He cannot do.He has shownthisthrough many incidents.Still, people refuse to believe. Did no one contemplate and stop to think, ‘How and why did this greatest of Avatars become unwell, get an illness, go to hospital and leave His body? Why did it happen?’Has anyone contemplated in this way? Did no one think to go and see Swami’s Nadi? Did anyone go to the Himalayas, ask the great saints and sages there what happened to Swami? Has anyone thought in this way? No! This is because no one has been as deeply affected in their heart and mind as I was. I alone cried more tears, wailing, my body shaking. It was like the experience of being on one’s death bed! It was Swami who then wrote that SV(thetrustee of Mukthi Nilayam) should go and see the nadis.It was only after seeing them that a little calm returned to me.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Thougth for the Day

is the inner voice 
that corrects us when we go wrong.
 It is the voice of truth and honesty.

From the book
The Primal Stupi

Mukthi Nilayam is not an ordinary house. It is not an ordinary ashram. It is the 
place of God’s Avataric mission. As Swami is not an ordinary Avatar, His task is also not ordinary. This is the greatest Avatar’stask. Is it an easy thing to bring a Sathya Yuga inside a KaliYuga? This is the task done by Mukthi Nilayam alone. This is the first time in the world that a temple of Creation is built. Thus, Swami guides us in all these matters. Otherwise, what can we do? What do we know? Our life here passes in this way, writing the wisdom that Swami reveals, building the temples that He says. These are constructed according towhat isdeclared in thenadis. All is happening in this way. We will again reach the shore of Swami’s blissful love. Until that time,we carry on with our task.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Thougth for the Day

Intuition is clouded 
by personal likes and dislikes

From the book

People do not believe what is written in thenadis. Most of them think that Swami has left His 
body. They ask, ‘How is it possible He will return again? It is against nature!’For this reason, I was very afraid and asked Swami about in meditation.

25 January 2012 Meditation

Vasantha: Swami, I am afraid as people do not believe what is written in thenadis.

Swami: You have written before about the artist who places his picture in a common area, wanting to know the opinion of others. He writes asking all to mark the place where they see any fault. All come and put marks all over the picture. The next day the artist asks all to mark a place on the picture they like. Again the picture is filled with dots. This shows the goat like nature of people, where one goes all follow.Why are you afraid? You can never make a mistake. Your hand is in Mine. You can never slip or fall down.
Vasantha: Okay Swami, now I understand.

End ofmeditation

Monday, September 16, 2013

Thougth for the Day

Divinity is our true nature. 
Realizing this truth 
and not being deluded by anything else 
is the beauty of wisdom

Lust is most sinful, says Sri Krishna; it obscures wisdom. Born of passion, it enters the senses, shows them all sorts of desires, envelops true knowledge like an insatiable fire and eventually leads to destruction. Attracted by cheap comforts and enjoyments one corrupts his senses and loses his intelligence. He falls into the pit of destruction. Sri Krishna says that one should control the mind through the power of intellect and destroy the enemy called lust.
This is possible through the practice of dispassion. Through dispassion, we divert the mind from going to the senses. There is no permanent gain from temporary sensual pleasures. They are the enemies of eternal bliss. This, one has to remember and say again and again. Constant practice will lead the senses to the righteous path. It is only through practice one learns anything. Divine bliss is eternal bliss. All else pales to insignificance and are but small enjoyments. We should not become slaves to these petty pleasures. When eternal bliss is waiting for you why should you suffer in sorrow? Through wisdom and detachment, one can fully realize the state of Oneness with the Absolute. This is Advaita where He and I (soham) are ONE.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Thougth for the Day

is the faculty of knowing 
with awareness and perception

From the book
Countless Bodies + Countless Hearts 
Equals Brahman

I sacrifice myself and show how to become one with God. I sacrificed everything for Swami. Throughout my life, I show how to love God. I sacrificed my time with Swami for world welfare. I cannot express how much I suffer being separate from Swami. I struggle for world change and it is for this too that I suffer. For world liberation, I struggle every minute with awareness. Words, feelings and heart cannot explain my sacrifice. Whatever is said, the ocean of my sacrifice cannot fit in ignorant hands.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Thougth for the Day

is inner knowing it is the supreme wisdom
 within each on of us.

From the book
Countless Bodies + Countless Hearts 
Equals Brahman

Swami has come to show that everything is His. Through our feelings the new Sathya Yuga is coming. In the Sathya Yuga no one will have the feeling of 'I and mine' and so all will experience God. All are gods. When we are born, we are born with empty hands. When we die, we go with empty hands. If this is the case, then which and what is yours? We pick a few flowers to offer to God. Who do these flower belong to? They are also gods. You may say the flowers have blossomed in my garden. Now if your job has been transferred to another city, you will lock your house and garden or give it to somebody to rent.
Now you are in a new house in your new city. You are there for 5 years and then are again transferred to another city. Now which is your house, which is your garden? When you die, which house in which city will come with you? Nothing will come. Like the house change, so is your birth change. You are born to new parents and in new houses. Therefore, which is your house and which is your family! All belongs to God. It is in this way you must contemplate and remove this 'I and mine' ignorance.

Friday, September 13, 2013

The last Prema Vachini (July 2013) is available on our Electronic Library ....

Thougth for the Day

The feelings that arise in one from 
the time of birth till death become deep impressions in the mind.

When on a pilgrimage, without adequate mental preparation, you may not be able to receive the Grace of God! During pilgrimage, do not act like a postal parcel, which moves from place to place, collecting impressions on the outer wrapper, but not on the core being. Your purpose for a pilgrimage is to strengthen your spiritual inclinations and let the holiness of the place settle in your mind. As a result, your habits must change for the better and your outlook must widen. Your inward vision must become deeper and steadier. You must realize the Omnipresence of God and the oneness of Humanity. You must learn tolerance, patience, charity and service. After the pilgrimage is over, sitting in your own home and ruminating over your experiences you must determine to seek. Aspire to get higher, richer and more real experience of God realization.

- Divine Discourse, Feb 28, 1964

Thursday, September 12, 2013

The last Prema Vachini (July 2013) is available on our Electronic Library ....

Thougth for the Day

Before birth, 
feelings pervade the space without form. 
They search for the right vessel, 
time, place and parents.
Once the feelings obtain a suitable vessel, 
God the Indweller enters

Om Sri Sai Vasantha Saiesaiya Namaha 
was written by Swami Himself. 
It has saved many people from
disease, dangers, etc. 

Swami’s and my name 
 have united in this mantra, 
so it is very powerful

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The last Prema Vachini (July 2013) is available on our Electronic Library ....
Thought for the day

A Yogi who has obtained enlightenment has the same use for the Vedas as one has for a small pond in a place flooded with water!

   From the book
Countless Bodies + Countless Hearts Equals Brahman

Everyone creates their own ignorance. Man is born as an aspect of God, but has created this ignorance by himself. The feeling of 'I and mine' is ignorance. Due to this feeling, he is born and dies again and again. Truly all is Poornam. Everyone is Poornam. Those who are born from Poornam are Poornam. Yet the jeeva's ego does not allow him to know this. This is the reason for all sufferings. He cannot experience the all-pervading One.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Thought for the day

What is the Atma? It is pure consciousness. It is something that is indestructible birth less and deathless.
   From the book
Countless Bodies + Countless Hearts Equals Brahman

From birth, my feelings have been rounding Swami, God. I cry and wail for Swami and have written many songs, poems and articles. I have written more than 18,000 letters to Swami. Eventually, He started to show His feelings and asked me to write books. Whenever we speak in meditation, our feelings unite and emerge as books. Over the past 4 years, Swami has been writing and drawing pictures. It is these and the conversations we have in meditation that take the form of the books I write. These are all Swami’s feelings.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Thought for the day

All is God. Evrything is God; there is nothing but God

From E-Newsletter from Mukthi Nilayam PremaVahini

Prakrithi’s Test !!!

On taking birth, an individual becomes involved in worldly activities. His eyes lead him to become deeply immersed in Prakrithi, the creation that is before him. The five elements - Earth, Fire, Water, Air and Ether and the three Gunas - Satva, Rajas and Tamas make up this creation. Purity and knowledge are indicative of Satva, Rajas is passion and attachment, and Tamas is laziness and inertia. All these qualities are present in everyone.

As the individual soul leads life, he gets entangled in Maya (illusion) and believes that the happiness that he is experiencing is real and everlasting. After taking many hundreds of births, the joy he derives from the world diminishes and through the power of his discrimination realizes that there must be something more to life than what he has experienced so far. He starts the search for peace and permanent happiness. Awareness arises that God alone is the Truth.

The same Prakrithi now awakens the soul from Maya and places him on the spiritual path. This will make him realize that there is a greater purpose to life. She makes him perform many austerities and when he has succeeded in all of them, he becomes worthy and purified to be delivered to the Lord for liberation. He thus passes the test Prakrithi has set through the power of her Maya. Now Maya will not affect him. Prakrithi will then herself deliver him to the feet of the Lord and he will be granted liberation.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Thought for the day

Can anyone limit love? Narrow mindedness does not allow the experience of limitless love; it only finds fault

From E-Newsletter from Mukthi Nilayam PremaVahini

Honey Drops

Vasantha: Swami, why do I have so many difficulties?

Swami: Only for the benefit of the world. You are relieving the people of the world of their sins through your tears. There is no other way of redemption for them, from the evils of the world. You have come to convert the evils of this world through your tears and Prema. These are all part of the task of an Avatar.

(27 May 2000 In meditation Swami took me to mount Kailash.)

Swami: I am Shiva and you are Shakthi. Only Shakthi moves and works. We have only dressed up like this. Actually there is no Sai figure or Vasantha for that matter. We are not human forms at all…no forms at all. Only Prema is Our form. For the sake of the world to protect the world, we are here like this. We transcend all these forms.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Thought for the day

Living a life of detachment is liberation

From E-Newsletter from Mukthi Nilayam PremaVahini

Amma - The Universal Cosmic Shakthi
A Vision
… I will do all. I am Omnipresent, Omniscient and Omnipotent. I will take a Cosmic form expanding as the Universe. I am Infinite Shakthi. I am the Universal Cosmic Shakthi. The nadi tells that the place where I live will become Jeeva Samadhi.

My life force will emerge through each and every aspect of creation. After my final merger, I will continue to live in all Creation. My life force will flood and overflow everywhere. Avatars are like dolls in the palms of my cosmic form. Avatars descend in each age for a specific mission. The tasks they performed are nothing. The establishment of dharma is a waste. All Avatars are like dolls before this Shakthi Avatar. When Shakthi comes in human form, it cannot be contained. It has no limitations. This Infinite Shakthi takes Cosmic form, brings the Aswatta tree down and plants it on Earth. It is Infinite All-pervasive Supreme power. It creates all from Itself…

Friday, September 6, 2013

Thought for the day

We have to adhere to our own dharma, our righteous duty, regardless of the innumerable hurdles on our path

   From the book
Countless Bodies + Countless Hearts Equals Brahman

Within every human being is immeasurable power. When he focuses it on the world, he undergoes much difficulty and sorrow. He remains in the cycle of birth and death. If one were to focus this power on a particular subject, he would become an expert in the subject. Even so, he too must take birth and die again and again. However, if he were to direct it towards spirituality, his KundaliniShakthi would arise and unite with Shiva. This is the union of Shiva and Shakthi, Anandanadana, where they dance blissfully.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

The last Prema Vachini (June 2013) is available on our Electronic Library ....
Thought for the day

We should think “all are my family, my neighbours, the street, all belongs to me” By linking hands with all, one experiences Universal love.

   From the book
Countless Bodies + Countless Hearts Equals Brahman

Today for the divine post Amar brought one photo poster of Swami. It was the same picture as Swami’s merger picture. On the picture near Swami’s button was a small live scorpion. The body was black and its limbs orange. We took a photo. All were wonderstruck.

6 August 2012 Noon meditation

Vasantha : Swami what is this? A scorpion on the picture...
Swami : It shows that I am coming. When I was very young, I showed divinity entering me through the sting of a scorpion. During our marriage, divinity fully entered that body also through a scorpion sting. At the inauguration of the Vishwa Brahma GarbhaKottam, you suffered on the left side of your body for 8 days. There was much pain. I then showed another scorpion to indicate your divinity entering the Vishwa Brahma KottamGarbha. Now this scorpion shows divinity entering my new body. You are my button. Just as a button connects two parts of a shirt. Your divinity connects my two parts.
Vasantha : What is the heart and 'thank you' that You wrote?
Swami : I am coming out through your heart feelings. All is only your Prema.
End of meditation 

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Thought for the day

The Lord will reside only in a pure guileless heart

From the book
Highlights of the Avataric Task

Swami came to demonstrate that all our faults and the mistakes we make reach God. If not He, who else is there to show this? Swami asked me to write these greatest truths as an 'eBook'. If we published an ordinary book, it would only be read by a few. Swami said, 'If we put it out in this way, many more will read and benefit'. Thus, He asked me to release it in this way. So read and realize your faults. Jai Sai Ram.