Sunday, September 8, 2013

Thought for the day

Can anyone limit love? Narrow mindedness does not allow the experience of limitless love; it only finds fault

From E-Newsletter from Mukthi Nilayam PremaVahini

Honey Drops

Vasantha: Swami, why do I have so many difficulties?

Swami: Only for the benefit of the world. You are relieving the people of the world of their sins through your tears. There is no other way of redemption for them, from the evils of the world. You have come to convert the evils of this world through your tears and Prema. These are all part of the task of an Avatar.

(27 May 2000 In meditation Swami took me to mount Kailash.)

Swami: I am Shiva and you are Shakthi. Only Shakthi moves and works. We have only dressed up like this. Actually there is no Sai figure or Vasantha for that matter. We are not human forms at all…no forms at all. Only Prema is Our form. For the sake of the world to protect the world, we are here like this. We transcend all these forms.