Thougth for the Day
Intuition is clouded
by personal likes and dislikes
From the book
People do not believe what is written in thenadis. Most of them think that Swami has left His body. They ask, ‘How is it possible He will return again? It is against nature!’For this reason, I was very afraid and asked Swami about in meditation.
25 January 2012 Meditation
Vasantha: Swami, I am afraid as people do not believe what is written in thenadis.
Swami: You have written before about the artist who places his picture in a common area, wanting to know the opinion of others. He writes asking all to mark the place where they see any fault. All come and put marks all over the picture. The next day the artist asks all to mark a place on the picture they like. Again the picture is filled with dots. This shows the goat like nature of people, where one goes all follow.Why are you afraid? You can never make a mistake. Your hand is in Mine. You can never slip or fall down.
Vasantha: Okay Swami, now I understand.
End ofmeditation