Monday, September 30, 2013

Thougth for the Day

Wisdom purifies the mind so that all our experiences are true

You want to be praised by others?

 I asked Swami "Why am I praising others?". Swami said that this is my nature and indicated a poem that I learned as a child. That poem is the very basis of my life. Here is the poem:

The one who wants to be praised by others
Must follow one thing without forgetting
Always tell of the good qualities of others
And do not tell what is bad
Show humility to all

If one wants to be praised by others, then they must only see the good qualities in all and never see the faults of others. Always be humble to all. From the day I first read this till now, I always tell only the good qualities of others, and never their faults. This is my nature and this is what I have practiced.
I have not done this for the sake of name and fame. My habit is only to see my own faults. I see my own faults and the good qualities in others. I learn from all. As I have learned lessons from each and everyone, I asked Swami to grant world liberation in gratitude to all. I do not speak of their good qualities to flatter them. Flattery means to  praise directly. I do not tell in a direct way. I write in the books and write whole heartedly. I do this without any expectation. I have asked for liberation for all to balance my debt. If I were to expect anything, then my debt would only increase.