Sunday, September 22, 2013

Thougth for the Day

Truth is realized 
when one sees God in His creation

From the book
The Primal Stupi

Swami said that it is in accordance to taste that different ashrams attract certain people.Swami shows here that for in His Avataric task, all tastes are one. Just as there are differen treligions, there are different ashrams. People join a religious group or choose a religion, worshiping the chosen aspect of God they like. Similarly, the ways of each ashram are different. People select and follow according to what suits their needs  and ful fills their desires. Swami shows here that all gods and religions are one. All are children of one God, one religion,the religion of love. Swami demonstrates this. Swami’s feeling and my feelings go through the Stupi and transform the Kali Age into Sathya Yuga. This is the adquarters of the Sathya Sai Emperor. It is the Emperor’s kingdom. All is happening through His will. The other ashrams are like the smallerrulers.