Enough roaming
in maya! Enough roaming in the ocean of birth and death!
has come here and grants mukthi to all. You may then ask, "What then do I
to do?"
Swami is not giving permanent
liberation. You may happily live in the Jeevan
state for a thousand years. Yet, when the second half of the Kali Age arrives,
enter the exact same state that you are in now. You may then say, "Oh I
have aged
will only live for another 19 or 20 years." Yes, your body will die, but
your qualities
and character
will again enter another body. That which you collect
birth after birth is
stored in your deep impressions. This dirt follows you.
Now awake and follow Swami’s teachings. What Swami preaches
you must
practice in your life. Meditate on any name or form of God. Whichever form or name
worship, Swami is ready to help. So now awake!