Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Pinpoint Ego
On page 137 of  M.P. Pandit's book 'A Summary of Savitri', Sri Aurobindo states, 
Slowly sensibilities gather around a pinpoint of ego; a sentient
creature finds its poise. Gradually the formless Consciousness appears,
thought and feelings stir, repetition forms habit, habit gives the appearance
of permanence and a conscious being is built.
How is the creation at first? First, man lived alone in the forests and then as Stone
Age Man. All slowly began to contemplate and the habit to live in groups started. From
group living, the idea of separation came. As the population grew more, the sense of
village, clan and caste came. First all were equal, then differences began to appear. The
ego, which was a pinpoint, started to grow. The mind, which was established in
equanimity, began to perceive differences. Feelings then arose and flowed. It is through
feelings that different qualities began to appear in man’s mind: anger, jealousy, greed, ‘I
and Mine’. Tamasic and Rajasic qualities began to enter and interfere in the mind of man,
who had been in Sathwa Guna. Through this 'feelings struggle', man went on the wrong
path. He then developed the habit of repeating whatever he did again and again, becoming
a slave to his many habits. These habits gave the appearance of permanence to him. Being
a ‘man’ means to be born, eat, grow and die. It is in this way, man spends innumerable
lifetimes. Again and again, he becomes fully immersed in the same habits. Many saints
and sages appeared to show man the path to change these habits. They declared, 
... Birth has not been given to you for this! Birth should not be to connect one to a
body. You are Atma. Realize this. It is through your feelings you are born and die again
and again.


Yet, when they said this, no one believed them. Man could not leave his life of habit.
Through habitual living, man thinks all is permanent. Age after age, the same habits come
again and again. Man thinks that all worldly life is natural and permanent. It is through
this habit of life that difficulties, disease, old age, death and all come. As these are habits
for man, he sees them as permanent living. Out of many millions, one becomes a saint and
tries to guide the people along the correct path. Yet, what they teach is only practiced by a
Thus, the greatest Avatar came to the world to try to change the habits of
humankind. He told that all are slaves to habit and tried to awaken them from ignorance.
He preached this for 84 years. As He is God, many people came in groups to see Him. They
listened to His words, yet, only a few practiced what He preached. Now, Swami and I

change the world and make a New Age, the Sathya Yuga.