Monday, April 15, 2013

Thought for the day

The expansion of devotion is wisdom

From the book miracle Maya Sai Bond 007

Miracle Maya was first published in 2004. In 2007, Swamiasked me towrite
another bookon the same topic. I finished writingthe book,butwedid not publish it. As
Swami has now asked us to release eBooks, we will release Miracle Maya Part 2 'Sai
Bond 007', in serial form one chapter a week. We will send the latest chapter and also
post it on our website weekly (
13 April 2013 Meditation
Swami:It is only the one who opens their 7 chakras through sadhana, who can say
that Swami is speaking to them. This isSai Bond. Many say that their
seven chakras have opened, yet, you alone have proved this through your
kundalini coming outside as the Stupi. The nadis also reveal the same.
Yet, you are afraid. Though I always speak with you, you question
whether it is real. Others however speak without fear. This is not real.
Vasantha:Iunderstand Swami, I will write.
End of meditation
Now let us see about this. The reason why we have used the strange name of 'Sai
Bond 007' for the book is explained in the second chapter ‘Siddhi Wars’. There I write
about the spy James Bond.
There are some who visit a miracle house regularly. One from the group then
visits another miracle house. He is then followed by one of the group from the first
house. This man then reports back all that he has seen, like a spy. ‘Swami’ then writes a
message to theman,who first went to the second house and asks,
...Why did yougo to that house?If you go there,you will be in great danger
and suffer from aterribleillness!
This incidentabout two miracle houses was actually described to me when I
visited a particular city by some devotees there. When we spoke about it we laughed. It
was then the title was given to this book.

Swami is not a spy.He binds us with His love. Thus, we gave the title ‘Sai Bond
007.The first0indicates thejeeva and the second0isfor Shiva, both become
Poornam. They crossthe 7 chakras and unite.It is only when a person performs sadhana
and his7chakras open can we say he is pure.Only then can he declare that Swami
speaks with him. However, those sages and saints who attain this state merge in God.
Some may remain in the world and preach to the common people.
I performed sadhana throughout my life and my 7 chakras opened. Swami has
proved this through the Stupi coming outside. Some may say their chakras have opened.
It is Swamiwho told me and I proved it through the Stupi. Not only this, but my and
Swami’s nadis declare the truth of who we are and what our relationship is. Though this
is so, I am still afraid. Whatever Swami tells me, I ask for proofs to confirm that it is
really He who is speaking with me. It is only then I write as books. This isSai Bond.It is
the bond between Swami and I. I am His Shakthi. It is Swami who asked me to write this
in the prologue of the book.
Miracles are happening in many places in the nameof Swami. Peopletheresay,
‘Swami is speaking, Swami is writing’. Crowds of people go in search of such places. Yet,
it only givesmomentaryhappiness. If your mind becomes immersed in such things,you
cannot acquire wisdom. How longwill you goinsearchof these miracle houses? You
must analyzeand find out the truth! No blemish should come to Swami's name! One
must be very careful of those who say Swami is speaking through them.
I too went in search of miracle houses. Swamithenasked me to analyzeanduse
my discrimination. It is only then I came to know the truth. Now, I am only writing that
which I have experiencedmyself.As these ‘miracles’ are happening throughout the
world, in thousands of houses, the general publicmustbeverycareful. Find outwhat is
I writethis,as I knowthe truth about these places. It is only the minds of those in
the miraclehouse, whichis speaking to them. Thus, we must first discovertheir level of
purity. The sages and saints donot speak in this way. They preach and give advice on
spiritual subjects.
All mustcontemplate deeply and gain clarity. Come out of the world of maya and
try to realizethe truth.Due to the great suffering experienced in worldly life, people go
to the cinema and dramas to relax.In thesame way, people involved in spiritual lifego
to miracle houses to forget theirdifficulties for a whileandthen return home. You must
attain truth. You must attain God. Wisdom alone will help youin this endeavor. Goin
search of wisdom. Practice what Swamihas preached.

Chapter 1
Don't Copy Swami
6 April 2013 Evening meditation
Vasantha:Swami will I really be with You for ten days?
Swami:Sure, we will be together for tendays.
Vasantha:WillYou speak with all?
Swami:One day I will call only our family members.Another day,I willcall the
ashramites and tell them how to behave,I willadvise them. We will then
all be together andtalk.Believethis. All is truth.
Vasantha:Swami,beforeYou said for three days, nowYou say ten days?
Swami:I am slowly revealingall.
End ofmeditation
Now let us see.First,Swamisaidwe would be togetherwith Himforthree days.
NowasI am cryingmore,Hehas increased ittoten days.A few days ago,Swamigave
an angel key chain with the wordsTruthandLoveonit.Thismade meafraid.
Whatever Swami tellsme, I ask for many proofs;only then do I write.I have been like
this sincemy first book.Iamalwayscarefulthat my mind should not mixwith what
Swami has toldme in meditation. This ismy fear.
7 April 2013
Thisevening somethingunusualhappened. There is awomanin whom Swami
enters and speaks through.Today shecameto the ashram with some people. She
suddenly began to walk very slowly. Those accompanying her took padanamaskar.She
then came before me and asked for a bhajan book. Nicola gave it to her. She then asked
for my pen. Nicola also gave that. She then opened the book andwrote'With Lo"in big
letters on the first page.As she was writing,thepen stopped working. Shethenthrew
the pendown, splattering ink on the table. She then walked a short distance, came back
andcalled all to take padanamaskar, her hands raised in blessing. She then indicatedthe

ashramites to take padanamaskar. All were afraid.‘Swamithen left and shereturnedto
Evening meditation
Vasantha:Swami,what is all this? Why did they come here? I am afraid.
Swami:Do not be afraid.Nothing will happen to you.
Vasantha:Swami,please come soon.You canthen save thosecaught in 'miracle
Swami:SureI will come. Do not cry.
Vasantha:Swami this must not happen to me. None should fall at my feet. I am the
dust ofYour feet.None shouldgiveimportance to me.I amYour
responsibility. I am afraid. AreYoureally speaking with me?
Swami:I alone am speaking with you. Why doubt?World Liberation is being
given through your humility.
End of meditation
I am very much afraid of these miracle people. Some years ago, Itoosearched for
and ran to miracle houses. Swami then asked me to write the book'MiracleMaya'. It
was then I became afraid. Why do peopleuse Swami’snamein this way?In past ages,
did anyone say‘Rama spoke with me, Krishna spoke with me?In thisAge ofKali,this
greatest Avatar's nameis used by someto collect name, fame and crowd. This greatest
Avatar came heredue toHis compassion. Avatars do notusuallydescend intheKali
Yuga.Yet, thisgreatest compassion came here to redeem us.
InHis book 'Vidya Vahini', Swami saysnot to follow the culturesof other
countries.Do not copy others. If a donkey is covered with tiger skin, it cannot be called a
tiger.Why are you trying to copy Swami like this? Is it enough if you walk like Swami,
give padanamaskar and bless all? Do you then becomeHim?
The womanwanted to sign like Swami.Yet, while she was writing,the pen
suddenly stopped working. She immediately threw the book and pendown. Would
Swami be angry like this? If it werereallySwami, the ink would have flowed
automatically. The penwould write.Swami could even write with an ordinary stick!
Why this drama? Has anyone seen Swami get angry and throwthings?
People do not realizethis truth and are trapped in anet. Swami is God, the
greatest Avatar. He is not an ordinary Avatar. Do not copy Him.This is the greatest sin,
for which there is no redemption.

Apersonmay say hedoes not know that Swami has enteredhim and thatheonly
knows whathappenedafter returning to his normal conscious state. It is then others tell
him'youwentthere,youdid thisand that'.
One should immediately pray,'Swami,I think I behaved in an angryway,this is
because I am impure.Ishould not spoil Your name.'Pray and crythat these things
should not happen.Otherwise, do not leave your house.
What penance have you done for Swami to enter yourbody?Have you purified
yourself?Swami is Truth,fire.Do not play withfire.When I saw what happened in the
ashramI became very afraid.Swami showed me that I was Lakshmi, Saraswathi,
Gayatri.He told me who I was.Both Swami’sand my nadi tell whoI am. They describe
the relationship betweenus.Still,I am afraid. I want only to be the dust of Swami’s feet.
Even thoughI have written over120books,I amstill afraid.
None should worship me.AsI seeall asGod,I say thatnoone should bow
to me.‘I am not’. I want to hideunder Swami’s feet. I am the dust ofHisfeet.
Oh Mahaprabhu, I am not Your Shakthi.I am not eligible. Ido not have the
purity to equal You. Mypenance is not enough. You are the greatestGod. Accept
me as the dust of Your feet. Thisis enough for me.
After the groupleft, Amar took the pen to fill it with ink. When he opened the
pen, he sawthe cartridge was full.All of us were wonderstruck.Why then did the pen
not write? Why could she not write more than 'With lo'? Why did the pen not allow her
to finish the word‘loveand sign'Baba'?It is because it was not the real Swami.
Here in Mukthi Nilayam,there are only divine feelings. Others feelings cannot
mix in here. Our divinefeelingsemerge from the Garbha Kottam andgot through the
Stupito change the world. This penwouldnot allow her to forge Swami’s signature.
Swamionce wrote a song for me.There He saysI am not writing with an ordinary pen,
but the Stupi pen, which only writesHis and my feelings.
The woman took my pen and tried to sign like Swami.However,she was not able
to do so. She then threw it on the table. Whatever happens in otherplaces,let it happen.
Yet,this took place in front of our eyes on this holy land. It is for this reason I am
writing.Please do not come here if you want toperformmiracles.This place isfor
Swami’s Avataric task;itchanges the Kali Age into the Sathya Yuga.
I pray to Swamithat even Krishna and Prema Sai should not appearbefore me,
not only in physical form, but also in meditation. Iam praying daily to Swamithat only
BhagavanSathyaSaishouldcomehere, no one other than Him.How then am Ito
accept this Swami?Please leave me alone.Peoplelike thisshould not come here. Do not
come here and exhibit your powers. As I am born on this earth anew, I am afraid to see
all. I am even afraid to see ordinary people.It is for this reasonSwami keeps me here in
Mukthi Nilayam,alonein my room. I only see the ashramitesthree timesa day.

Why has all this happened before my eyes?
Great saints like Sri Ramakrishna and RamanaMaharshilived here.Sri
Ramakrishnaalways hadvisions of Mother Kali. Yet, He did not say thatMotherKali
entered his body and spokethroughhim.Both Sri Ramakrishna and RamanaMaharshi
were able to preach to the people due to the purity of their lives.They
renounced alland livedexemplary lives. None of this was achieved
throughmagic.They did not wander from place to place.Ramana
Maharishinever went anywhere;he only stayed at Arunachala.Both
He and Ramakrishnapreached to the people.
Many foreigners came to RamanaMaharshi.He told them that
during sadhana many siddhis would come, but not to be deluded by
them. For thisreason,ordinarypeopleshouldkeepaway from these
siddhi powers.For believers in God,Wisdomalone is important.All
should awaken frommaya,illusion.Realsaints and sages only preach
wisdom. Theynever perform siddhis. People must realize this.They
must follow theirexample and transform themselves.Otherwise, you
will be born and die again and again.At the time of writing this,
Swami gave three pictures of RamanaMaharshi.
8 April 2013 Evening meditation
Vasantha:Swami,shall I write about miracles?This must not happen to me. No one
should bow before me. I must be the dust underYour feet.
Swami:Who would speak in this way? Who can be like you?This humility
becomes world liberation.
End of meditation
Swami once said in a discourse,
“I do not needa mediator. I do not have the necessity to enterthe body of
another and talk through them.”
So the common peoplemustbecareful.Do not become caught in their
trap.Miracles may take place due to the yogic powers some maypossess.
Controlling the mind is yoga. Turn yourmind towards God. Do not go after
miracles. Do notbe deluded.

Today Swami gave a picture.
It shows the sun blazing in the blue

sky with ten rays emerging from it.
Inside the sun was my face.
Swami gavea similar picture
before. In that picture, the formof
Garudais seen along with14 pairs of
eyes.I have written in a previous
chapter how Swamidescendsfrom
Heaven to earth riding on Garuda.
Swami'sform isseen intherays of
the sun.Swami’s form is also seen
in the suns ray’sinmy picture.
When I askedSwami, Hesaid,“You
are showing thewisdomof God
from the Vedas and Upanishads.
These are truths not known by any."
Thisis the proof for what I have
written about in this chapter. God
can only be attained through
wisdom and nothing else.
In the April 2013 issue of Sanathana Sarathi Swami said,
"You think Maya is harmful to you, but in fact, Maya does not harm
anyone. People criticize Maya saying it holds them tightly in its grip and
troubles them. But how can Maya catch anyone? It has no hands and legs.
You have hands and legs. Therefore, you have caught Maya, but Maya has
not caught you."

Bhaja Saieswaram Bhaja Saieswaram
Saieswaram Bhaja Moodamathe
Samprapthe Sannihithe Kaale
Nahi Nahi Rakshathi Kaayaroope
Sansar Sagare Sadachare
Sathya Dharma Shanthi Thatvam
SaiMahima Gao Nityam
Sai Vachanam Sat Gatitvam
Punarapi Jananam Purapi Maranam
Punarapi Janani Jatare Shayanam
Yeh Sansare Bahu Dustaare
Krupaya Apare Sai Murare
Punarapi Jananam Loka Uddharanam
Nahi Nahi Chintha Samadhi Shayanam
Avatara Jananam SeshaShayanam
Sai Mahima Nitya Gatitvam
‘O foolish man, chant the name of Saieswara
again and again. At your last breath, nobody will
come to your rescue. In this ocean of worldly life,
always follow the principles of Sathya, Dharma and
Shanthi. Always singthe glory of Sai, His word will
show you the right direction. You are repeatedly
born and dying. This compassionate Lord Sai alone
can save you from this world full of difficulties. He
incarnates again and again for the welfare of the
world. You should notworry if He is lying in
Samadhi. He is the Poorna Avatar always reclining
on the Adisesha. So you daily sing His glory, this
alone will redeem you.