Sunday, April 14, 2013


Thought for the day

When the senses are controlled, the mind is automatically contr


Chapter 1
New Concept
Today Swami gave a small picture of Himself, His face wassurrounded by
peacockfeathers. There it was written:
The most powerful weapon to destroy the forces of evil rampant in
the world today is love.
Baba 2008
Love is the only powerful weapon to destroy the
forces of evil in the world. Evil has spread all over the
world. It seems to be the peak of Kali. Wherever one
looks, evil is only increasing everywhere. The mind of
man is spoiled. Thebehaviorof all is againstdharma.
There is no justice, righteousness ordharmaanywhere.
From the very smallest matter, evil verily rules. Swami
came here as Avatar to changethe world through love.
The previous Avatars destroyed the evil and
establisheddharma. Swami descended and does not
destroy anyone,but changes the world instead. Thus
love, is a most powerful weapon. In order to show this,
Swami separated Himself in two and came in my form.
From birth itself, I have been crying in separation from
God. Due to the Prema I have for Him, I am unable to
forget Him for evenasecond.
As recognition for my devotion, Swami accepted me as His Shakthi. Swami
always speaks with me in meditation. The contents of our conversations He asked me to
write as'LiberationHere ItselfRightNow'.He Himself signedthe book in Maduraiand
thenreleased the book with His own hand in Prasanthi Nilayam. It was around this
time,Mr.Krishna Moorthy ofAndhraPradesh went to see mynadi.He came to
Vadakkampattito showit to me, butonlyafter hehadshownit to Swami,who blessed it
in darshan.
When we went to Puttaparthi to have the second booked signed, we brought the
nadi with us. We showed it to an important devotee,Anil Kumar,and asked him to help
get Swami’s signature for the second book. However, he took mynaditothe Ashram

Administration office. When they read thenadi, I was told not to come inside Prasanthi
Nilayam anymore. I then stopped going to Puttaparthi for five years. It was only in
2003, at the time of Shivarathri,thatSwami Himself called me back. Afterthis,I was
very happy. Then in 2007, I wrote the book, ‘Last 7Days of God’.Swami Himself
accepted the first copy of the book. However, I was again called to the office and stopped
from going inside Prasanthi.
Due to this separation and my Prema forSwami,I made a new vow. I declared
that I would make all men in the world as Sathya Sai and all women, Vasantha. I then
asked Mukthi for all. MyPrema for Swamichangesthe Kali Age into Sathya Yuga. It
destroys allkarmasin the world, making all Jeevan Mukthas. The previous Avatars used
weapons to destroy the demons and kings. We do not destroy anyone, but transform
them with our Prema.
Swami wrote the date 2008. Let us see what happened then. It was at thattime I
longedto see Swami.I was crying and wailing. Swami called me to Prasanthi and said,
“You come inside in an invisible body.” Yet, I was afraid and thought, ‘If they see me,I
will be chased out again!’ I told this to Swami who said, “Come, no one will see you.We
went insidePrasanthi for darshan. Manydevotees,who are close to me, stood right next
to me, yet, no one recognized me. Swamisaidthiswasdue to the‘invisible body’. In the
same way, Swami is now in Prasanthi Nilayam in an invisible body.
Let ussee what Swami indicated for night post from the unpublished manuscript,
‘Avatar’s Secret’,Pt. 3in the chapter ‘Shiva Tapas’.
17 January 2011 Meditation
Vasantha:Swami, why are You performing penance?
Swami:Shiva Himself performed penance. Penance means purity. God’s marriage
is performed not based on kaama; it is for dharma and for the
establishment of dharma only. It is for well-being in the world. Did Shiva
not know of Parvathi’s penance? He knew He would marry her. Yet, when
the devas sentKaamadevato disturb Him, His Nishta was broken. He
burned kaama. Penance means purity. Lust can never go near to that
which is pure. God also cannot go near purity. It is only if He burns
kaama, that marriage is performed. It is for this I am now performing
feelings penance.
Vasantha:Swami, how long will this penance continue?
Swami:World kaama is theobstacle thatI must first remove.Then only can I
touch you, the purity of penance. Now as your penance finishes, My
penance begins.
Vasantha:Swami,to whom should I give the chapter to?

Swami:Now, during this Nishta period, do not make any effort to give chapters. I
Myself will take at the end.
End of meditation
Now let us see about this. Lord Shiva was in Nishta performing penance. Penance
meanspurity. God’s marriage is not throughkaama. It is only for the welfare of the
world. The marriage of all Avatars is only for the establishment ofdharma. Lord Shiva
knew that He must marry Parvathi Devi. ThedevassentKaamadevato Shiva; He must
come outof Nishta and marry Parvathi. Shiva burnedKaamadeva. It was only then the
marriage with Parvathi took place. This was for the well being of thedevas. It was only if
the marriage took place, could Lord Muruga be born and theasura, Soorapadma,be
destroyed. Penance means purity.Kaamacan never go near purity. God also must
perform penance to go near. It is this Swami shows.
Parvathi performed penance to marry Shiva. Shiva also performed penance.After
Shiva burnedKaamadeva, He married Parvathi. In order to marry Parvathi, Lord Shiva
also performed penance. This is what Swami told. This is a new concept so far not
known by the world. God also performs penance, only then can He go near purity. Thus,
Swami said He is also performing penance. What penance is He performing? It is a
feelings penance. However, at that time I did not understand what this meant. It is only
now I do. Swami left His body and performed penance in a feelings body. If marriage is
to take place, there mustbe nokaama. It is only after kaama was burned could the
marriage of Shiva and Parvathi be performed. Only after they both performed penance,
did they come together and unite.Devasand Avatars may makekaamainto their child.
Yet, for this new Avatar, ifthere iskaama, marriage can never take place. This is what
this concept shows.
I performed penance forseventy-threeyears. The NewCreation must come
through me.This is the first creation that comes directly from God. It comes through
penance. Generally, creation comes throughkaama. It is through marriage between a
man and woman, the creation comes; a lineage comes. In this world, creation happens
every moment. This is between humans, animals, worms, birds, insects;all are giving
birth. However, thisNew Creationis coming through the penance of God. When
Parvathi Devi sat near Lord Shiva after their marriage,Agniemergedfrom the Lord;
Muruga was then born. Inthe same way, when Swami touches me, the Agni creation will
come. This is penance touching penance. This is not lustful marriage or lust children; it
is children born of penance.
The Avatars may marryandchildren born. They may makekaamaas their child.
Swami also married me;three childrenwereborn. Aravindan was born as an aspect of
Kaamadeva. Swami now comes, not as theAvatar,butasthe Primal Soul. He comes
after performing penance. I am also performing penance. Swami comes again through
my Premapenance. After He comes, He will call me. When He touches me, theNew
Creationwill be born.
