Monday, April 29, 2013

Thought for the day
The power of unfulfilled desire in man is the root cause for his bondage 
Miracle Maya Part 2
Chapter 3
Once a woman, who isagood devotee came to stay in Mukthi Nilayam. From the moment she arrived, she pleaded with me to forgive her.
I asked, “For what reason?” She said, “I was Dasaratha in my previous birth. At that time,you were Sita.I sent you to the forest.” I told her I was not aware that I was Sita, butshe continued tellingthe samestoryuntil she left the ashram.After she had gone, all in the ashram talked about this and had a good laugh. Sometime later, we went to Puttaparthi forSwami’s birthday. On the day of AkhandaBhajan, we got first token and sat in the third row. The same woman came and sat next to me.
She asked, “Do you know who you are?”
I said, “I don’t know.”
She said,“I know who you are... you are Krishna’s wife.”
She then asked, “Do you know who I am?”
I replied that I did not know.
She then said, “I am also one of Krishna’swives. This is why we are sitting together. I can feel your vibration. Can you feel my vibration?”
I replied, “I don’t know how to feelvibrations.”
The woman continued talking. I coulddo nothingbut sit beside her and listen to her foolish prattle. Though bhajan was going on, she would not stoptalking.
The next day some devotees came to our room for meditation. One of them told me thatthis same woman had told them that she was the Virgin Mary in a past life.They were concerned whether this woman had some sort ofmental disease. First, she said that she was Dasaratha, then one of Krishna’s wives and now,she is saying that she is the Virgin Mary.She told me that both of us were the wives of Krishna and asked, “Do you feel the vibrations?” I thought, ‘Does Krishna’s wife have special vibrations?
Doctors do tests to see whether you have typhoid or a viral infection. In the same way, this woman is telling casually, “You have Krishna’s wife vibration, you have Rama’s wife vibration, I have Virgin Mary’s vibration.”
This woman is a Vibration Specialist! How does she know about the different vibrations? Yes, some can feel vibrations. I wrote about this and about vibrations in my books. Still, how can this woman know the vibration of Krishna’s wife? What can I say about her? Does she have a mental disorder? Why is she roaming here and there telling everyone she was Dasaratha, Krishna’s wife or the Virgin Mary in a previous birth? Why should one bother about who they were in a previous birth? It is better to ask yourself, ‘Who am I and why am I born?’
You have the great good fortune of living in the place where the Poorna Avatar resides. Why are you wasting precious time? We cannot become Krishna’s wife by mere talk. We must do penance, discipline ourselves, control the five senses, do austerities and transform ourselves. Days are reducing fast. We should redeem ourselves from the cycle of birth and death.
Swami told me that I was Radha, Sita, Mahalakshmi and Durga,butI refused to Accept them, saying they were all mere posts. I told Swami I did not want these posts; I wanted only Him. I asked only for God. Do not let these distractions carry you away. Her own desires and lust have made her into a 'Vibration Specialist'. So be vigilant. Aim only at attaining God.
I was born only to attain God. We have not obtained this precious human birth to be called Radha, Sita or Rukmini. This birth has been given for us to discover, ‘I am Atma’. If we realize without any doubt that we are the Atma, we will not be born again. We are not here to discover that we were Radha or Sita. Swami says that we should know who we are. He says, ‘I am God, you are also God’. This human birth is given to realize this. Through penance, one can come to understand that they truly are God. The woman told me in darshan, “You are Krishna’s wife. I am also Krishna’s wife. This is why we are sitting together.” Can we become the wives of Krishna by sitting side by side? By doing penance, we can attain the vision of the Indwelling Lord. One can get the vision of God only from within, not outside.
Vibrations are not a plaything. What are we going to achieve by finding out different vibrations? How is this going to bring us relief from the troubles of life? Instead, we should contemplate: who is husband, who is wife, who is child, who is my relation? Ask yourself, ‘What will happen if I die tomorrow? I should free myself from all attachment’.
Let us not waste this human birth in vain talk. Is it enough if you live in Puttaparthi? Is it enough if you sit in God’s presence? Will it give you liberation? Will a fish get liberation just because it lives in the Ganges? It is said that one gets liberation by bathing in the Ganges. Fish live in the Ganges are they liberated? In the same way, can one attain liberation by merely living in Puttaparthi? One should do sadhana. This woman, who claims to know the vibrations of others, is not able to know Swami’s vibrations. If she perceives and absorbs Swami’s vibrations, she can become God. This Poorna Avatar has come on earth to redeem us from the cycle of birth and death. Other than Him, there is none to show us the path and grant liberation. Make use of this rare good fortune of living near the Avatar. Make an effort to attain God and to attain Truth.