the e-Newsletter Prema Vahini of Νοvember
from Mukthi Nilayam is available in our e-Library
This world is an expression of our thoughts and feelings. It is a mirror
states of a Sadhaka (cont…)
Next, is the state of Bhokta, which means one who experiences, enjoys. The devotee says, “Lord, You are the true enjoyer of the fruits of action,” I surrender all to You. The Bhaktha surrenders his body, life, property, honour and respect at the feet of God and asks Him to enjoy the fruits. That is why Radha and the Gopikas were not bothered about attaining Moksha. Due to their intense love and devotion, true devotees even surrender the Moksha that they have won and say, “I am surrendering that fruit also to You. You take that too.” Do not have the desire for any result. When the Lord is your supporter, then let Him be the one who experiences the result. (cont...)