Thursday, November 28, 2013

the e-Newsletter Prema Vahini of Νοvember 
from Mukthi Nilayam is available in our e-Library

Truth cannot be attained in its entirety until all traces of duality are removed from the mind.

Five states of a Sadhaka (cont…)
Next comes Bartha; it means sustainer. Now the Jeeva discharges his duties correctly and leads a good life. He tries to remove the negative qualities and blemishes from his mind by keeping in good company and by performing good deeds. At times in spite of sincere effort, he faces obstacles on the path and may become disheartened. He prays to God, “Oh Lord! Come to my rescue. I cannot do anything by my efforts alone. I pray for your blessings too. Only if my efforts are combined with Your grace, can I taste success.” He thus understands the significance of prayer. For example, a selection of doctors may prescribe varying treatments like Allopathic, Homeopathy and Naturopathy to treat a patient. When after all this the patient is still not cured, he turns to God and prays. In the same way, it is only when the Jeeva goes through the process of improvement and reform that he understands the necessity for prayer.
At this point the Jeeva calls on the Lord and the Lord comes to his rescue. Bhagavan is always close to us, very near, closer than the air itself. He only awaits our call and then immediately comes running towards us. The Lord is the Bhakthasahaaya, the one who supports the devotee. The Lord thus becomes the sustainer. He helps us to evolve spiritually by shouldering all our burdens and removing the impurities from the mind . At this stage, the Jeeva surrenders all his actions to God. Bhagavan Himself then stands along side the Jeeva and helps him to accomplish all his tasks. Sakkubai, who reached this state, is an example. The Lord swept the house, ground the flour, washed utensils and did all her household tasks. He Himself took her form and performed all her duties, thus allowing her to go to Pandaripur to worship Lord Panduranga. Owing to this, her husband and mother-in-law were unaware of her true whereabouts and could not punish her for disobeying their order not to leave the house.
The Lord went to the house of Korakumba in the form of his brother to help make and sell pots. He cooked and did all his household duties. Bhagavan came as a servant called Kandiya Krishnan, and served Eknath for twelve years. He brought water, cooked for him and looked after all his needs. So we see how all things are made possible when the Lord helps His devotees. Now the same Lord has taken Avatar as Sathya Sai Baba and helps His devotees in many ways. Whatever is stated in the Gita is Truth. The Gita is not a book to be read only. It has come to illustrate that one must put into practice what one has learned in order to fully realize the benefit.
How can we make the Lord come and help us in this way? It is only possible through continuous Bhakthi. One should yearn for God and should think about nothing else except Him. (cont...)