Crave for God; Love Him. Tell Him that you want Him and Him only.
From the book Liberation Here Itself Right Now Pt 1
"God is my strength. God is my love. God is my friend. God is my beloved, my only one. When He is absent from me, I am bereft of everything. I am a beggar. When He is with me, I am filled with love and joy. I am filled with courage and strength."
Sri Sri Dayamata
The above quote is a good description of my life. Swami has said, "You live for God. You live with God. Now you are merged in God."
Swami says, "Duty, devotion and discippline: I do my household duties such as cooking, sweeping, washing and cleaning vessels whenever and wherever they are necessary. With devotion and discipline, I spend more time in japa, pooja, prayer and meditation.