Thought for the day
The Lord gives liberation to those who want it and enjoyment to those who desire it
From the book: Liberation Here Itself Right Now Pt 1
I wrote the preface for Liberation Here Itself Right Now the first edition in 1997. Now, after eight years, I am writing a new preface for the third edition. In my own eyes I see abig change. This book is the essence of my life; it is the seed from which a huge tree has grown with many branches, buds, blossoms and fruits. I have written many books elaborating on this one. Over the years thirteen books have been published and thirteen more books are pending publication.
This book is written in three sections: namely, Saalokya, Saameepya and Saarupya Mukthi. Swami said that each of these show a stage in my sadhana. Now, I am immersed in the final stage of Sayujya Mukthi.
In Saalokya one enters the Kingdom of Mukthi. He sees many blissful scenes and enjoys himself. In order to enter into this Kingdom, one must purify oneself. Virtues must be nurtured and undesirable qualities removed; then one will get the darshan of his personal God.
After this, one will enjoy a state where h sees the Lord's glories everywhere and in everything. He can feel the Lord's presence and nearness. This is called Saameepya mukthi. In Saarupya Mukthi, one always lives with the Lord. He enjoys His glories every moment. He is absorbed in the Divine.
At the time of writing the first edition, I had experienced the above states to a certain extent. Today, I am seeing the expansive cosmic form of those states. I feel Swami's presence everywhere. I see the entire universe as His kingdom. In the most direct way, I realise that there is nothing in the world that is not God.
I have filled Him in me, so attaining complete Saarupya, oneness with the form of my Lord, Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. I have merged with Him. I am immersed in the Bliss of the Self at all times. You too can enjoy this bliss. Bhagavan has come here! Let us all attain Mukthi here itself right now!