Thought for the day
Desire to attain God sets you free. Desire for worldly things creates bondage.
From the book Vasantha Sai Satcharitha
Oh Lone Lotus, do you eat? Do you sleep?
You only think and yearn for His feet
You live not on earth, but in water, the water of tears,
Your penance is Supreme
Oh Lone Lotus
In Mooladhara, Oh Lone Lotus
You are effulgent a the Primal Consort of Shiva
Oh Lone Lotus
In Swathisthana, Oh Lone Lotus
You are standing with Shiva as Adi Shakthi
In Manipooraka, Oh Lone Lotus
You join with Shiva as the Self Supreme light,
Oh Lone Lotus
In Anahata, Oh Lone Lotus
You blossom with Shiva in great bliss,
Oh Lone Lotus
In Vishuddhi, Oh Lone Lotus
You rise with Shiva with a voice of Truth,
Oh Lone Lotus
In Brahmarandra, Oh Lone Lotus
You are seen as Bindu form with Shiva
Oh Lone Lotus
In Sahasrara, Oh Lone Lotus
You merged with Shiva in Samadhi state,
Oh Lone Lotus