Monday, February 4, 2013

Thought for the day

When we offer our actions to God, the impurities of the mind are slowly removed

From the book "Wisdoms Mine"

Question: Amma, is it more important to be alone than in family life while performing ones sadhana.

Answer: No, not always. An example. An ascetic was doing penance alone in the forest for a long time. Through his practice, he acquired great peace of mind. One day, he came inside the city, stood before a house and said "Bhavati Biksham Dehi" (Please give me alms). A child in the house was making noise by locking and unlocking the bolt of the door. The ascetic got angry and declared: "Hey what sort of child is this? Why is he making so much noise?" Here, the one who thought he had attained great inner peace in solitude was unable to tolerate the pranks of the small child. Where did this anger come from? It came from within himself. If we have to overcome the feelings of anger, jealousy and hatred, retreating into seclusion will not help us. We have to live with others in the world.

Question: Amma, how will the Kali Age be transformed into the Golden Age? 

Answer: Here is a small story showing how...

In Dwapara Yuga, a case came before the kings court. A man had bought a land from another. When he was ploughing the field, he found a treasure. The next day, he gave th treasure to the seller of the land saying: "This belongs to you". The seller told him: "No, it belongs to you. I have sold the land to you and everything on it is yours, including the treasure". The buyer replied: "I paid for the land only and not the treasure, so it belongs to you". The continued arguing this way. Finally, they took the case to the King, so that he could make a judgement. The King asked them to come back the next day. However, this time both the seller and the buyer said the treasure belonged to them. All were surprised. Yesterday, the same two men did not want to own the treasure, today they are both fighting over it! What had happened to them overnight? All concluded that it indicated the birth of Kali Yuga on that very day. The previous day was Dwapara, now it was Kali. 

When they were in Dwapara Yuga, both men spoke righteously, they did not covet and were not greedy. The change in their nature was due to the effect of Kali only. In the same way, that which is Kali Yuga today will be Sathya Yuga tomorrow. As the Age changes, people will also change. Every age has its own character. Due to the pure nature of Sathya Yuga, people will be transformed. 

Question: Amma, how do we focus our minds while performing our duties? 

Answer: Practice 24 hours thinking only of God. Then automatically our minds will become focused. Whatever you see, connect it with God. Whatever you hear, connect it with God. Whatever you speak, connect it with God.