Feelings alone are responsible for bondage or freedom
What is Prema? It is unsullied Love. Bhagavan is the embodiment of Prema, Bhagavan
is Love incarnate. Devotees all over the world are familiar with the following lines of
Bhagavan. Love is my form, Truth is breath.
For all the Love Bhagavan showers on us, He asks us only Love (Prema) in return. By
showering our love and Bhakthi we get in return the exalted state of Mukthi.
Let us try to earn the Grace of Bhagavan as suggested by the Saivaite Poet, Sri
Manickavachagar, who lived in the early years of 20th century. Sri Manickavachagar asks us
to imagine a system of barter wherein we and Bhagavan are co-traders. We are full of
shortcomings. Bhagavan in His extreme, compassion, will accept us as the commodity and in
return, He will offer Himself, In this exchange we are the beneficiaries. Why should we delay or
hesitate when such a Bhagavan is amidst us? The compassionate Lord is willing to act as a
fool and make us feel wiser so that we surrender to Him. God loves to be fooled if it is meant
for the Good of Humanity.
We should act immediately. Do not waste time. All that we have to do is to follow the
guidelines suggested by Vedas, Sastras & by Him. If we do so, Bhagavan will appear before
Again we don't have to get worried and worked up as to how to learn Sastras in this
sort span of life. The compassionate Lord has shown us a simple way.
Hurt none. Help ever and Love ever. Hurt none does not imply to hurt physically or
bodily alone. It has more profound meaning. We should not hurt other mentally or
Poet Thiruvalluvar had also explained in the following manner..
"The scar caused by burn will get healed but the scar caused by hurting words will
never heal. One should not utter harsh words.
To speak harshly instead of gently, is like plucking unripe fruit when a ripe fruit iss available."
Baba also requests us to speak lovingly and gently to others. "Speak gently and softly.
The Lord of the Lords, who is not attainable even for millions of years of penance, the
Lord whom Jnanis (Learned men) and Saints wait, just to have a mere Darshan, is now
available to all of us. Should it not be our aim to attain Him when He is very much amidst us
in the human form. He has incarnated Himself merely by His own Will when we are in the
threshold of the ill effects of Kali age. The ever- compassionate Lord has Himself incarnated
to raise humanity from the present state of misery. The embodiment of Prema is waiting for us
to shower bountiful Love.
The eminent poet, late Bharathiar, visualized Lord Krishna as Guru, God, the Trusted.