Tuesday, December 24, 2013

As the flame of a lamp kept in a windless place does not flicker, so the illumined Self is ever radiant.

Stages of Divinity
The 12 Vinayakas
Third Vinayaka
This Ganesha is 16 years of age. It was at this age that all instruments came to the hands of Sai Ganesha. He showed all who He was at the age of 14. There is an instrument in each of His hands. One hand is held up in Abhayahasta, blessing. On His head there is a crown. There is a book in one of His hands to indicate that it is at this time He began to preach. He showed that he was God. Around His neck, there is an ornament with six stones. This shows God’s Shad gunas, six attributes. In front, His vehicle, the mouse, Him.