Monday, December 2, 2013

Ordinary love for another is not real. Man longs for bliss and love thinking that he can derive it from another. In truth, love flows one’s self 

Bindu - The Gateway to God
Bindu means drop or dot and is sometimes called Bindu Visarga, meaning ‘falling of the drop’.
In days gone, it was common to see Brahmins with a tuft of hair on the top of their heads, signifying the place of the Bindu. It is like a small island in the middle of a lake. The Bindu is the storehouse for all desires, impressions and karmas from previous births. The dot on top of the Om symbol is also called Bindu. This dot symbolizes the state beyond the three gunas. Those who have attained this state are the ones who have known the secret of creation. Drops of nectar fall from the Bindu. This nectar sustains yogis from thirst and hunger while in deep contemplative states and when doing penance. (continued…)