Thursday, December 5, 2013

Through dispassion, divert the mind from going to the senses. They are the enemies of eternal bliss.

Bindu - The Gateway to God (con)
Shiva is the white Bindu at the Brahmarandra and Shakthi is the red Bindu at the base of the spine, at Mooladhara. The white Bindu is Purusha or Pure Consciousness; the red Bindu is Prakrithi or the power of manifestation. The red Bindu at the Mooladhara desires to unite with the white Bindu in the Brahmarandra. The female aspect, the red Bindu, wants to experience the male aspect, the white Bindu.
The scriptures say that it is very difficult to attain this state of union. The red Bindu symbolizes the sun and indicates the Pingala nadi. The white Bindu symbolizes the moon and represents the Ida nadi. It is like the joining of two opposing forces. The union of these two leads to the rising of the kundalini through the Sushumna nadi towards the Sahasrara. Only those who have experienced the union of the red and white Bindu understand the principal of Oneness, they have mastered the art of yoga.
Yogis meditate on the Omkar with the Bindu. They salute the Omkar, which grants fulfillment of desires and aspirations and leads to the ultimate goal of liberation.