Friday, December 6, 2013

Sanctify your daily tasks by performing all actions as offerings to God

I and Mine …

 What of the mind? The mind is a bundle of thoughts. What is the root of thought? Where do they come from? If we analyze, we will find out that the root of the mind is ‘I’. Who is I? I indicates name and form. What does the name and form show? It indicates the body. Time and again, man affirms that he is the name and form, ‘I am the body’.
Now that we have found the root of the mind, let us look into ‘matter’. What is ‘matter?’ Where is its root? What is its source? Let us contemplate.
All say ‘I and mine’. ‘I’ is the root of the mind and ‘mine’ is the root of matter. Man says, ‘My husband, my wife, my wealth, my profession, my car, my city’. In this way, he creates a long chain of ‘mine’. As this ‘mine’ possesses many things (matter), the mind continually runs in pursuit of them. Will this ever end? Whatever the mind sees it wants to possess. Desire becomes ‘I’. Desires become thoughts. The mind is a bundle of these thoughts.
The mind is ‘I’; ‘I’ denotes the body. The mind constantly runs after things and people it sees. It is running birth after birth. It is an endless journey .
The life of an ordinary person is centered on the ‘I’, where the mind and matter cannot be separated.
How can these two be separated? It is only by turning the mind toward spirituality.