Wednesday, December 11, 2013

If you transform yourself. You will find that all opposition and hatred will disappear.

Nothing in this world can satisfy you, except GOD!

So, it is clear to see man is prone to boredom. No matter what he does, it ends in boredom. Because he gets no permanent satisfaction or happiness, he is running here and there searching for ananda (bliss). He is bored and tired. Because he is not active, he gets tired and becomes lazy. The inner self is not satisfied with this so it is pushing away everything saying boring, boring, boring. Boredom means that things are perishable. Nothing in this world can satisfy you except God.
Boredom is showing you it is time to turn to spiritual life.
On the veranda at Mukthi Nilayam there is a large picture of Swami with His finger on His chin. After reading this small story in satsang, the ashramites pointed at the picture and said, “Look, even Swami is bored.” I replied, “Yes, He is bored with the people of Kali Yuga. After 80 years, they still don’t put into practice His teachings. They don’t think about God and don’t listen to what He has taught.”
I asked that this page of photos of our beloved Swami be included to inspire all to act now to realize God.