Saturday, December 21, 2013

Every thought that comes to our mind 
decides how we live

It is the Bindu that decides the level of consciousness of everything in creation. According to the consciousness in each, the Bindu gives form. In Sathya Yuga, the forms will be created of Prema. Each grain of sand, worm, insect, plant, animal, every man, the feelings, the consciousness in all will be Prema. Therefore, all will have sathvic forms. For those in worldly life, the Bindu shows them the outer path. For those turned within, it opens up the inner gates of spirituality. Bindu is the door that opens in both directions. If we are inclined towards spirituality, it opens gate after gate on that path. This is the path to liberation, to return to where we have come from. We have emerged from Sathya and must merge back. Liberation means to become free from the cycle of birth and death. If our interest and actions are towards this goal, Bindu Shakthi will guide and show us the path for attainment