Monday, December 9, 2013

Life without Prema is death!

Nothing in this world can satisfy you, except GOD!

A two year old child has many toys to play with. He tells his mother “Amma these toys are very boring.” So the mother gives him another toy. When the child reaches the age of five he plays with the other children outside. Soon after he says, “I am bored I am going to watch TV.” When he reaches the age of ten, he tells his friends “Our math teacher is very boring, we don’t want him as our teacher. Some years later he begins college. He is very happy with college life. After a while he says, “This professor’s class is very boring.” Then he begins to cut class and go to the cinema with his friends. Now that he has reached adolescence, he wants a girlfriend. He is continuously thinking about girls. Finally, he gets a girlfriend. Then together they go here and there, talking and enjoying. For many days this friendship continues. Eventually, he becomes bored with this as well.
After finishing his studies, he finds a job. Then his parents arrange his marriage. For some time, he is very happy and enjoys married life. Then children are born and the problems