Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Even if you cannot do anything to make others happy, do not spoil their

Bindu - The Gateway to God (con)
When a jeeva desires a worldly life, the power of Bindu gives him what he desires. When he turns towards spiritual life, the Bindu will guide him in that direction and open the gates of wisdom. The outer path toward the world is known as Pravrithi and the inner spiritual path is known as Nivrithi, the path of wisdom. Through the power of the Bindu shakthi, a jeeva turns within and returns to the original state. This is the path of liberation, Mukthi. The goal of all yogas is to take you back from where you came, to God.
The Bindu, round in shape, symbolizes infinite one pointed energy. Imagine the power concentrated at this one point! The power required to create the world is inherent in the Bindu. It also represents the genes, DNA and RNA. (continued…) happiness